I'm searching for low end scopes such as Rigol, Atten, Owon, etc. So
far I'm sold on the Rigol DS 1052E. I was about to buy it at
dealexcel.com because they're selling this $600 scope for $390. On
their website they have a bunch of email addresses (e.g.,
admin2@yahoo.com), which seemed unusual to me because they are the
admin email addresses to yahoo and hotmail. As expected all of these
email addresses bounced back!
Their website traffic rating shown by Alexa.com is almost nonexistent.
IOW, they dont have hardly any traffic. I found a few posts about
them at various forums, but they immediately seemed odd because the
post sounded like a plug from the owner of dealexcel.com because the
post gave two of their website addresses. That seemed a bit unlikely
that a buyer would know about their multiple websites.
1) Does anyone know anything about this company.
2) Any recommendations on a low end scope. I like the Rigol DS 1052E
because it has 1 mega points storage memory, 1 Gsps. Also it's more
popular than the others such as Atten. IOW, a lot of people discussing
it, people have successfully update the firmware. The biggest comes
from a EE at youtube, Dave Jones, who used to design scopes can't say
enough about how great this scope. Dave opened the scope up and was
impressed at the quality parts used. Here's one of his videos,
The only bad thing Dave found was Rigol is over clocking the scope.
I'm searching for low end scopes such as Rigol, Atten, Owon, etc. So
far I'm sold on the Rigol DS 1052E. I was about to buy it at
dealexcel.com because they're selling this $600 scope for $390. On
their website they have a bunch of email addresses (e.g.,
admin2@yahoo.com), which seemed unusual to me because they are the
admin email addresses to yahoo and hotmail. As expected all of these
email addresses bounced back!
Their website traffic rating shown by Alexa.com is almost nonexistent.
IOW, they dont have hardly any traffic. I found a few posts about
them at various forums, but they immediately seemed odd because the
post sounded like a plug from the owner of dealexcel.com because the
post gave two of their website addresses. That seemed a bit unlikely
that a buyer would know about their multiple websites.
1) Does anyone know anything about this company.
2) Any recommendations on a low end scope. I like the Rigol DS 1052E
because it has 1 mega points storage memory, 1 Gsps. Also it's more
popular than the others such as Atten. IOW, a lot of people discussing
it, people have successfully update the firmware. The biggest comes
from a EE at youtube, Dave Jones, who used to design scopes can't say
enough about how great this scope. Dave opened the scope up and was
impressed at the quality parts used. Here's one of his videos,
The only bad thing Dave found was Rigol is over clocking the scope.