Looking for white noise chip



About 20 years ago Radio Shack sold an 8-pin chip which produced white noise
and was very simple to use. I have no idea what the part number was. Are
there any similar products available today?

sj <_jones57_@_swbell_._net> wrote:

About 20 years ago Radio Shack sold an 8-pin chip which produced white noise
and was very simple to use. I have no idea what the part number was. Are
there any similar products available today?
National MM5837, long since discontinued, AFAIK. I used it in a
random number generator for a "satellite telemetry" musical horn for
my car, and if I need to build any more of them I'll probably use a
PIC with software random number generator.


William Smith wpns@compusmiths.com N1JBJ@amsat.org
ComputerSmiths Consulting, Inc. www.compusmiths.com
sj (_jones57_@_swbell_._net) writes:
About 20 years ago Radio Shack sold an 8-pin chip which produced white noise
and was very simple to use. I have no idea what the part number was. Are
there any similar products available today?

It was simply a lengthy shift register with feedback at the right points
so it would continuously cycle through a sequence. The shift register
was long enough so the sequence was long enough, so it provided a pseudo
random output. Clocked at a high enough frequency, the output comes out
like "white noise".

Don Lancaster has some stuff about this in his TTL and CMOS Cookbooks.
I gather the Art of Electronics has some about it too. There has
to plenty of other books that cover it too. Look for something like
"pseudorandom sequence generator".

"sj" <_jones57_@_swbell_._net> wrote in message
About 20 years ago Radio Shack sold an 8-pin chip which produced white
and was very simple to use. I have no idea what the part number was. Are
there any similar products available today?

An Atmel AVR2343 could easily be programmed to do this.
8 pin DIP, with no external clock needed. +5V, ground, and noise out.
"Lee Leduc" <leeleduc@netscape.com> wrote in message
Xilinx has an appnote for pseudorandom generators using shift
registers. It gives a table for the feedback taps for lengths up to
168 bits.

Boy that's tempting.
21 bytes of ram, a 16 element lookup table, and you get a PN generator
that's 371 million,million,million,million,million,million,million,million
bits long, and you only need four tap points taken from two adjacent bits of
two widely separated bytes.

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