Looking for simple Schematic Editor

I was using IVEX. It was OK.

I'm looking for something to draw schematics, not
necessarily PC related.

The ideal program would handle wiring harnesses and connectors
& switches really well--from a library. It would be easy to label

I don't need PCB layout. I might want to draw an occasional electronic
schematic, tho. I don't even need connectivity lists.

Should run on a PC

I would need several hundred nodes.

Price is not as important as ease of use and no screwy

What do the intelligentsia think? Bill Hale
I'm looking for something to draw...wiring harnesses
Price is not as important as ease of use and no screwy behavior.
bill_hale @ agilent.com

One word - Visio
Charlie Edmondson
Another word: NO.[1]
Click on the OP's twenty-two.htm link to see Visio-like screwy

I would look for something that supports *.DXF format.

AutoCAD has lots user groups and many ready-made libraries.

The CAD programs here have trial versions:
(My real bookmark went bad within the last month or 2; this is from Nov

[1] Why did the moron say he was hitting himself with a hammer>
Because it felt so good when he stopped.
Click on the OP's twenty-two.htm link
to see Visio-like screwy drawings.

I don't think you can blame that mess entirely on Visio
- the main problem is the author's failure
to follow normal electronic drafting conventions.
Peter Bennett
You're missing an important point about Visio:
When you move a component, Visio REPOSITIONS THE LINES connected to it
(not wires--LINES; Visio has no concept of wires).
This is NOT rubberbanding; it redraws the lines THROUGH components,
leaving you with a lot of rework to do
--which you will have to do again when you move the next component,
and AGAIN when you move the NEXT component, etc.

Visio is unsuitable for electrical drawings.
Because it is unsuitable for the task,
you waste too much time trying to use it.

To conclude: Choose a better tool.

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