Looking for old Samsung LCD Display DataSheet


Jim Flanagan

I came across some surplus 16 char by 1 line, LCD displays made by
Samsung. I've had no luck finding a datasheet. Hopefully, someone may
have an old data book and help me out. The Part # appears to be
SMC-1610A and uses the SED1278F controller IC. Any help would be
appreciated. Thanks.

Jim Flanagan wrote:
I came across some surplus 16 char by 1 line, LCD displays made by
Samsung. I've had no luck finding a datasheet. Hopefully, someone may
have an old data book and help me out. The Part # appears to be
SMC-1610A and uses the SED1278F controller IC. Any help would be
appreciated. Thanks.

If they have 14 pins, they are almost certainly the same as those
hitachi 44780 display controllers.

Here is a data sheet for the controller chip:


Easiest thing is to use a multimeter to test resistance between the pins
and the edge connectors.

Robert Monsen

"Your Highness, I have no need of this hypothesis."
- Pierre Laplace (1749-1827), to Napoleon,
on why his works on celestial mechanics make no mention of God.
On Sat, 02 Apr 2005 22:00:48 GMT, Jim Flanagan <jflan@tampabay.rr.com>
put finger to keyboard and composed:

I came across some surplus 16 char by 1 line, LCD displays made by
Samsung. I've had no luck finding a datasheet. Hopefully, someone may
have an old data book and help me out. The Part # appears to be
SMC-1610A and uses the SED1278F controller IC. Any help would be
appreciated. Thanks.

You could probably determine the connector pinout by tracing the
controller IC's data and control pins (D0-7, E, R/W, RS):

You may find that your display is similar to LCD modules based on
Hitachi's HD44780 controller. If so, then pins 2-14 will probably be
for data and control, pin 3 will be for contrast adjustment, and pins
1 & 2 will be the supply pins.

- Franc Zabkar
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