Looking for info on funobj (and skill ++)




I am facing an issue with my skill codes using skill ++ and funobj!
I would like to learn more on this topic?
In fact my problem is that I am loading twice the same .ils code (not
as a personal choice,but for environment constraint) where a funobj
is created, and this give me errors while trying to use this funobj?
If someone can help me that would be nice,
Thanks in advance,
hx wrote:

I am facing an issue with my skill codes using skill ++ and funobj!
I would like to learn more on this topic?
In fact my problem is that I am loading twice the same .ils code (not
as a personal choice,but for environment constraint) where a funobj
is created, and this give me errors while trying to use this funobj?
If someone can help me that would be nice,
Thanks in advance,
;; do nothing the second time around
On Thu, 26 May 2005 11:10:30 -0500, hxdelecourt@yahoo-dot-fr.no-spam.invalid
(hx) wrote:


I am facing an issue with my skill codes using skill ++ and funobj!
I would like to learn more on this topic?
In fact my problem is that I am loading twice the same .ils code (not
as a personal choice,but for environment constraint) where a funobj
is created, and this give me errors while trying to use this funobj?
If someone can help me that would be nice,
Thanks in advance,
I wouldn't expect this to give an error. What is the error given?

If you want to learn more about SKILL++ read the SKILL User Guide, it's
covered in there.


I have already tried that one, but Istill have the same issue! I have
the impression that by mixing il and ils codes, I am not able any
more to access ils functions (funobj) within my il procedures since
they are in another environment?
On Fri, 27 May 2005 03:10:27 -0500, hxdelecourt@yahoo-dot-fr.no-spam.invalid
(hx) wrote:

I have already tried that one, but Istill have the same issue! I have
the impression that by mixing il and ils codes, I am not able any
more to access ils functions (funobj) within my il procedures since
they are in another environment?
No, that's not true. SKILL functions can be called from SKILL++ and vice

As I said before, please give the actual error message. Otherwise we're all in
the dark here.

My CAD team was doing some pretriggering checks (that I was not aware
of ...) on the functions that I was trying to load! Therefor, none of
the procedures I was trying to use were loaded!
Any how, I have been looking through the Skill++ and Skill User Guide,
and found it pretty interesting (eventhough a bit complex!).
Thanks for your help,

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