Looking for DSO in 2000 Euros price range


Can someone recommend a good DSO in the price range of 2000 Euros?
Problem is that several models offer same functionality and sample
rates of 1GS/sec...but there is hardly a chance to be able to
test all those different models before buying one...

Any feedback from you in the every day life?

In article <2007040922593816807-@news-europe.giganews.com>, Jedi Router


Can someone recommend a good DSO in the price range of 2000 Euros?
Problem is that several models offer same functionality and sample
rates of 1GS/sec...but there is hardly a chance to be able to
test all those different models before buying one...

Any feedback from you in the every day life?

I searched for a combined oscolliscope because as I read everywhere you
dont see everything on a dso, and you can't capture long slowly
variingsignals with an analog scope...
fluke (and philips) used to make combiscope, but are not sold anymore.
hameg still makes combiscopes (hm1507 is in your price range)

others make very powerfull dso using color techniques to try to show
with a dso what analog scopes show easily...but these are over 5000
euros most of the time...

some people tested cheap dso on this newsgroup, and reported to have a
lot of errors, bugs of firmware with them...

so ?

I bought a used fluke pm3394 on ebay for less than 1000 euros, shipping
from usa and vat included....combiscope 4 x 200MHz analog and digital
and i'm very happy with it...
I waited for it quite a year...

if you can't wait buy the hameg...it's still a good choice.


Hi Rick,

I can confirm what Jean-Yves wrote. The Hameg scoops are good
instruments for that price.
Philips Combi-scope is better but new price now would be 5-10 times
But for the Hameg scoop you can buy parts and there is no support from
Fluke for all the nice instruments Philips made. (except the scope

Regards, Kees

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