John Crighton
Hello hobbyists and enthusiasts,
at a trash and treasure market, I picked up a nice
heatsink with 5 large power transistors on it.
I was thinking it would make a nice series
regulator section of a home built power supply.
I have searched the net for data on the transistors
but have not had any luck. Perhaps you chaps
with old data manuals may have some information.
The transistors are round, the diameter of a 20 cent
piece, and just over 1cm thick Stud mounted.
They are marked like this
The 108 is in very large printing so I believe that is
the type number.
6314 is probably the date of manufacture (1963).
Any info appreciated,
John Crighton
at a trash and treasure market, I picked up a nice
heatsink with 5 large power transistors on it.
I was thinking it would make a nice series
regulator section of a home built power supply.
I have searched the net for data on the transistors
but have not had any luck. Perhaps you chaps
with old data manuals may have some information.
The transistors are round, the diameter of a 20 cent
piece, and just over 1cm thick Stud mounted.
They are marked like this
The 108 is in very large printing so I believe that is
the type number.
6314 is probably the date of manufacture (1963).
Any info appreciated,
John Crighton