I am having trouble locating a datasheet on a Samsung LCD display. The
part number is UC16301GNHRXAA. It measures 1.875" x 1.75" and has a
short flex type cable included. Any datasheet and/or pinout info would
be greatly appreciated.
My undestanding is that this was a production item from Samsung in the
late 1990's. UC16301 could be the family and the suffix could call out
a host of options. Again, any info would be great.
part number is UC16301GNHRXAA. It measures 1.875" x 1.75" and has a
short flex type cable included. Any datasheet and/or pinout info would
be greatly appreciated.
My undestanding is that this was a production item from Samsung in the
late 1990's. UC16301 could be the family and the suffix could call out
a host of options. Again, any info would be great.