Andy I.
I am designing an AGC loop using a low power n-jfet. I would like to
check it on Spice beforehand, but I have the impression that the models
available are often not quite trustworthy.
So, I am looking for accurate models of the behaviour down to the
cut-off voltage, for low (+ and - 0.5V) Vds, for the parts like 2N4339,
J201, J113: Vgs(off) between -0.5 and -3V, Rds(on) less than 1.5k at
Thank you for any help.
-- Andy
I am designing an AGC loop using a low power n-jfet. I would like to
check it on Spice beforehand, but I have the impression that the models
available are often not quite trustworthy.
So, I am looking for accurate models of the behaviour down to the
cut-off voltage, for low (+ and - 0.5V) Vds, for the parts like 2N4339,
J201, J113: Vgs(off) between -0.5 and -3V, Rds(on) less than 1.5k at
Thank you for any help.
-- Andy