Looking for a source of 1mm test sockets for old Ortec NIM 4

Dear All,
I am looking for a source of replacement single pin panel mount
sockets for repairs to some of these elderly NIM crates I have. The
sockets provide a FP source of the rail voltages the PSU produces on
its module back-plane connectors and can be seen here (presumed the


in the BR of the picture (7-off, colour white) on a more recent crate
model. They mate with a 1mm dia. pin plug, are secured by a nut on
the back of the panel and have a cut-out hole of ~4.8mm dia..

I could not find any part numbers in the manuals/documentation on
https://www.qsl.net/k/k0ff/0 18Manuals/NIM Manuals/NIM/ORTEC for these
sockets. They are just referred to as "test jacks".

The closest I could find was
but that has a panel cut-out of only 2.7mm. I'm stumped. Any ideas?

Tom Crane

Ps. The email address in the header is just a spam-trap.
Tom Crane, Dept. Physics, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham Hill,
Egham, Surrey, TW20 0EX, England.
Email: T dot Crane at rhul dot ac dot uk
On Monday, February 11, 2019 at 11:53:54 AM UTC-8, Use-Author-Suppli...@127.1 wrote:
Dear All,
I am looking for a source of replacement single pin panel mount
sockets for repairs to some of these elderly NIM crates I have.

I presume it's something very like this:
whit3rd <whit3rd@gmail.com> wrote:
: On Monday, February 11, 2019 at 11:53:54 AM UTC-8, Use-Author-Suppli...@127.1 wrote:
: > Dear All,
: > I am looking for a source of replacement single pin panel mount
: > sockets for repairs to some of these elderly NIM crates I have.

: I presume it's something very like this:
: <https://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/cinch-connectivity-solutions-johnson/105-1041-001/J330-ND/3577>

Thanks for the suggestion. That is similar but a press-fit type and is for a 2mm plug.

Here https://www.mklab.rhul.ac.uk/~tom/1mm_test_sockets/ are some
photos. The first two are of some sockets and plugs I found in one of
my spares draws, purchased by one of my now-retired predecessors,
probably years ago. I checked the plugs' pins which are definitely
1mm dia. Curiously the sockets would not accept them -- the 1mm pins
are just too fat. So it appears there must have been sockets made for
less than 1mm dia. pin plugs in the past.

The other 2 photos are of a NIM crate's FP showing the sockets, some
of which are broken. These sockets definitely take the 1mm plugs.
Other than in the pin receptacle size they appear identical to my
spares draws sockets.

Yesterday I spoke to a colleague who thought he might have some
similar sockets in a box amongst his old spares. He did. His sockets
did take the 1mm plugs w/o problem which will now enable me to do the
repair jobs. Interestingly his box still had the suppliers labels
present. They were from RS Components with stock nos. 444-062 and
444-056 (for red & black types). RS's website lists them as
'discontinued'. RS confirmed this and told me the manufacturer was
Deltron. I could not find them listed so presume Deltron no longer
makes them.

The photo of a current Ortec crate I linked to in the OP has quite
similar looking sockets, although obviously the pin-size can't be
deduced from it. Unless Ortec now use some other pin size sockets, it
must be that similar sockets are still available from other
suppliers... I contacted Ortec (now Ametek)'s tech support but have
not heard back from them yet.

Tom Crane.

Ps. The email address in the header is just a spam-trap.
Tom Crane, Dept. Physics, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham Hill,
Egham, Surrey, TW20 0EX, England.
Email: T dot Crane at rhul dot ac dot uk
On Thursday, February 14, 2019 at 10:23:18 AM UTC-5, Use-Author-Suppli...@127.1 wrote:
whit3rd <whit3rd@gmail.com> wrote:
: On Monday, February 11, 2019 at 11:53:54 AM UTC-8, Use-Author-Suppli...@127.1 wrote:
: > Dear All,
: > I am looking for a source of replacement single pin panel mount
: > sockets for repairs to some of these elderly NIM crates I have.

: I presume it's something very like this:
: <https://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/cinch-connectivity-solutions-johnson/105-1041-001/J330-ND/3577

Thanks for the suggestion. That is similar but a press-fit type and is for a 2mm plug.

Here https://www.mklab.rhul.ac.uk/~tom/1mm_test_sockets/ are some
photos. The first two are of some sockets and plugs I found in one of
my spares draws, purchased by one of my now-retired predecessors,
probably years ago. I checked the plugs' pins which are definitely
1mm dia. Curiously the sockets would not accept them -- the 1mm pins
are just too fat. So it appears there must have been sockets made for
less than 1mm dia. pin plugs in the past.

The other 2 photos are of a NIM crate's FP showing the sockets, some
of which are broken. These sockets definitely take the 1mm plugs.
Other than in the pin receptacle size they appear identical to my
spares draws sockets.

Yesterday I spoke to a colleague who thought he might have some
similar sockets in a box amongst his old spares. He did. His sockets
did take the 1mm plugs w/o problem which will now enable me to do the
repair jobs. Interestingly his box still had the suppliers labels
present. They were from RS Components with stock nos. 444-062 and
444-056 (for red & black types). RS's website lists them as
'discontinued'. RS confirmed this and told me the manufacturer was
Deltron. I could not find them listed so presume Deltron no longer
makes them.

The photo of a current Ortec crate I linked to in the OP has quite
similar looking sockets, although obviously the pin-size can't be
deduced from it. Unless Ortec now use some other pin size sockets, it
must be that similar sockets are still available from other
suppliers... I contacted Ortec (now Ametek)'s tech support but have
not heard back from them yet.

Tom Crane.

Hi Tom... well I spent a little time searching... No luck.
Hopefully the Ortec/ Ametek will be able to help you.

Here in the States we have ~2mm tip jacks which fit the probes on your
typical DMM. As a silly idea maybe replace all the connectors with 2 mm
tip jacks?

George H.
Ps. The email address in the header is just a spam-trap.
Tom Crane, Dept. Physics, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham Hill,
Egham, Surrey, TW20 0EX, England.
Email: T dot Crane at rhul dot ac dot uk
On 2/14/19 10:35 AM, ggherold@gmail.com wrote:
Here in the States we have ~2mm tip jacks which fit the probes on your
typical DMM. As a silly idea maybe replace all the connectors with 2 mm
tip jacks?

That was my thought as well.

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