Looking for a 'smooth' bargraph...



I'm trying to find a 'LED' 'BarGraph' that does not use discrete leds/dots
(ex.: a stack of 100 leds, or an LCD). I saw these used on a few hi-end
mixers (recording studios). They look like glowing thermometers (as in the
mercury would glow bright green or red) and respond at about 5-20hz

I've been serching the net to locate this component, but so far I've turned
up empty handed. Probably because I dont know the name that is used to
designate theses 'bar graphs'.

Does any one here know where I could find this? Or, at least what are they

Thank you,

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These are probably the "Self-Scan" displays originally made by
Burroughs, and still sold by Vishay/Dale. They look *really* great
but the drive circuitry is fairly complicated (more so than just a
big ladder of comparators, for example). I haven't priced them
recently, but prepare to spend lots of money. You may also have
trouble finding a Vishay distributor who will order them for you.
I have some old info... if you want copies, email me and I'll try to
dig it up.

brian dot aase at verizon dot net

"james" <gzeroprj_junk@hotmail.com> wrote:

I'm trying to find a 'LED' 'BarGraph' that does not use discrete leds/dots
(ex.: a stack of 100 leds, or an LCD). I saw these used on a few hi-end
mixers (recording studios). They look like glowing thermometers (as in the
mercury would glow bright green or red) and respond at about 5-20hz

I've been serching the net to locate this component, but so far I've turned
up empty handed. Probably because I dont know the name that is used to
designate theses 'bar graphs'.

Does any one here know where I could find this? Or, at least what are they

Thank you,

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Version: 6.0.510 / Virus Database: 307 - Release Date: 8/14/2003

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james wrote:
I'm trying to find a 'LED' 'BarGraph' that does not use discrete leds/dots
(ex.: a stack of 100 leds, or an LCD). I saw these used on a few hi-end
mixers (recording studios). They look like glowing thermometers (as in the
mercury would glow bright green or red) and respond at about 5-20hz
I haven't seen those in LED, but there are neon ones with continuous
discharge length controlled by the current. KWTubes was selling them
on eBay a while back (doesn't have any now.)

Also you can look for Magic Eye tubes for a similar effect.
-Dan Barlow

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