Looking for a large (apprx. 12in by 6in) single LCD cell



I'm looking for a large (apprx. 12in by 6in) single LCD cell that just displays
an opaque black when electricity is applied. My goal is to be able to hide
"something" thats about 12in by 6in; the dimensions can be variable. I have no
clue if this is even possible to find, but if anyone has any ideas, or and
alternatives, I'd surely appreciate it. Email: yahtez520@aol.com

EXCELLET IDEA! Especially for number plates as you zoom past a speed
camera doing a ton!

Yours, Mark.

Yahtez520 wrote:

I'm looking for a large (apprx. 12in by 6in) single LCD cell that just displays
an opaque black when electricity is applied. My goal is to be able to hide
"something" thats about 12in by 6in; the dimensions can be variable. I have no
clue if this is even possible to find, but if anyone has any ideas, or and
alternatives, I'd surely appreciate it. Email: yahtez520@aol.com
Be aware that in some states in the U.S. it's illegal to put anything
whatsoever in front of the license plate, even if it's clear.

That said, there's a type of glass that switches opacity when a voltge is
applied. I don't recall who makes it, just that there was a story on it a
couple of years ago.

"Mark (UK)" <jumbos.bazzar@btopenworld.com> wrote in message

EXCELLET IDEA! Especially for number plates as you zoom past a speed
camera doing a ton!

Yours, Mark.

Yahtez520 wrote:

I'm looking for a large (apprx. 12in by 6in) single LCD cell that just
an opaque black when electricity is applied. My goal is to be able to
"something" thats about 12in by 6in; the dimensions can be variable. I
have no
clue if this is even possible to find, but if anyone has any ideas, or
alternatives, I'd surely appreciate it. Email: yahtez520@aol.com
"Hank Fenster" <phony@nowhere.cc> wrote in message
Be aware that in some states in the U.S. it's illegal to put anything
whatsoever in front of the license plate, even if it's clear.

That said, there's a type of glass that switches opacity when a voltge is
applied. I don't recall who makes it, just that there was a story on it a
couple of years ago.

I think the current fad is to have bright LEDs near your plate that mess up
the light balance of the camera. Only works at night.

Another solution is thin-film cellular material, used to prevent viewing
from angles much away from dead-on. This works because the camera is up high
where the film appears opaque, but at a normal angle the plate is perfectly
visible. Illegal but not so detectable.

What's funny is seeing this kind of stuff on anything but a pure stock
vehicle. From the photo they can still tell you are driving a dropped Honda
Civic with some unique pattern of stickers and a ruined green-orange swirl
paint job.
Hank Fenster wrote:
That said, there's a type of glass that switches opacity when a
voltge is applied. I don't recall who makes it, just that there was a
story on it a couple of years ago.
Pilkington in UK.

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