Looking for a DIgital Systems book with JPEG example code

About a year and a half ago I came across a book on digital systems
design that I liked. I can't remember the title or the authors but in
one of the last chapters it had an example of JPEG/MPEG codec. I didn't
buy it because I was short on cash at the time, I think it was $130.00.
Does anybody recognize the book I'm looking for?

Thanks in advance,
You could mean "Video Compression Demystified" by Peter Symes. It has a
chapter on JPEG.

DerekSimmons@FrontierNet.net wrote:
About a year and a half ago I came across a book on digital systems
design that I liked. I can't remember the title or the authors but in
one of the last chapters it had an example of JPEG/MPEG codec. I didn't
buy it because I was short on cash at the time, I think it was $130.00.
Does anybody recognize the book I'm looking for?

Thanks in advance,

A guy named Richardson had a book that had sections on both JPEG
and MPEG.

Good luck,

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