Looking for a decent quality remote/wireless Mains switch...




I'm chasing a wireless mains switch which will handle 1600W, will also
be semi-outdoors (in an open farm shed). Also need a range of approx.
50m too. I only need one outlet, but if I have to buy two or more,
then so be it.

Just for clarification, I'm looking for something like this:
Only better quality than the one in the ebay link and specs as per
above, thanks in advance for any pointers!
On 02-Nov-14 10:38 AM, Jeßus wrote:

I'm chasing a wireless mains switch which will handle 1600W, will also
be semi-outdoors (in an open farm shed). Also need a range of approx.
50m too. I only need one outlet, but if I have to buy two or more,
then so be it.

Just for clarification, I'm looking for something like this:
Only better quality than the one in the ebay link and specs as per
above, thanks in advance for any pointers!

There was a thread a few weeks back - someone wanted to do similar but
for enabling handicapped person to operate switch remotely. Maybe have
search for the post.
Jeßus laid this down on his screen :

I'm chasing a wireless mains switch which will handle 1600W, will also
be semi-outdoors (in an open farm shed). Also need a range of approx.
50m too. I only need one outlet, but if I have to buy two or more,
then so be it.

Just for clarification, I'm looking for something like this:
Only better quality than the one in the ebay link and specs as per
above, thanks in advance for any pointers!

It was I and I am still looking.
The switch in your link has been on sale at Aldi but only sometimes and
the Aldi version is just Australian without the US style extra holes.

I have just found one available from Radio Parts Melbourne which is a
single button device.


The switch module is 60 mm by 75 mm comes with sticky tape and screw
holes for mounting.

It is currently showing "OUT OFF STOCK" so I can only hope it is ON
ORDER as it is the nearest thing I have found for my purpose.
I would like to have a control module that I can bring out just 2 wires
to a simple switch to switch on or off with just the one switch push.
The requirements for disabled (espescillly children) are quite

John G Sydney.
"John G" wrote in message

.. . .

I have just found one available from Radio Parts Melbourne which is a
single button device.


The switch module is 60 mm by 75 mm comes with sticky tape and screw holes
for mounting.

It is currently showing "OUT OFF STOCK" so I can only hope it is ON ORDER
as it is the nearest thing I have found for my purpose.
I would like to have a control module that I can bring out just 2 wires to
a simple switch to switch on or off with just the one switch push.
The requirements for disabled (espescillly children) are quite difficult.

Having discovered the magic name "future switch", did you try consulting you
favourite search engine again?

I turned up several places selling what appear to be the same devices -
there was even an Ebay seller with them:
It happens that Andy Wood formulated :

"John G" wrote in message

. . .

I have just found one available from Radio Parts Melbourne which is a single
button device.


The switch module is 60 mm by 75 mm comes with sticky tape and screw holes
for mounting.

It is currently showing "OUT OFF STOCK" so I can only hope it is ON ORDER as
it is the nearest thing I have found for my purpose.
I would like to have a control module that I can bring out just 2 wires to a
simple switch to switch on or off with just the one switch push.
The requirements for disabled (espescillly children) are quite difficult.

Having discovered the magic name "future switch", did you try consulting you
favourite search engine again?

I turned up several places selling what appear to be the same devices - there
was even an Ebay seller with them:

Andy, That was on the list for today. I have been away for 2 weeks and
there were just too many things to do.
The price at Ebay is only half that at Radio Parts.
Thanks for you effort.

I am still looking for a switch I can operate by just push on/push off
on the same pair of wires. As I said some disability requirements can
be tough.

On the subject of Ebay. I ordered a new control module for my Rainwater
pump on Monday and had to get up to sign for it delivered this morning.
Murphy was here, the pump failed the day we went away so I did not need
it then. :-?

John G Sydney.
"John G" <john.g@green.com> wrote in message
Jeßus laid this down on his screen :

I'm chasing a wireless mains switch which will handle 1600W, will also
be semi-outdoors (in an open farm shed). Also need a range of approx.
50m too. I only need one outlet, but if I have to buy two or more,
then so be it.

Just for clarification, I'm looking for something like this:
Only better quality than the one in the ebay link and specs as per
above, thanks in advance for any pointers!

It was I and I am still looking.
The switch in your link has been on sale at Aldi but only sometimes and
the Aldi version is just Australian without the US style extra holes.

I have just found one available from Radio Parts Melbourne which is a
single button device.


The switch module is 60 mm by 75 mm comes with sticky tape and screw holes
for mounting.

It is currently showing "OUT OFF STOCK" so I can only hope it is ON ORDER
as it is the nearest thing I have found for my purpose.
I would like to have a control module that I can bring out just 2 wires to
a simple switch to switch on or off with just the one switch push.
The requirements for disabled (espescillly children) are quite difficult.

The X10 system can do all that and is only a
little higher cost of a very simple config like that.
After serious thinking Rod Speed wrote :

"John G" <john.g@green.com> wrote in message
Jeßus laid this down on his screen :

I'm chasing a wireless mains switch which will handle 1600W, will also
be semi-outdoors (in an open farm shed). Also need a range of approx.
50m too. I only need one outlet, but if I have to buy two or more,
then so be it.

Just for clarification, I'm looking for something like this:
Only better quality than the one in the ebay link and specs as per
above, thanks in advance for any pointers!

It was I and I am still looking.
The switch in your link has been on sale at Aldi but only sometimes and the
Aldi version is just Australian without the US style extra holes.

I have just found one available from Radio Parts Melbourne which is a
single button device.


The switch module is 60 mm by 75 mm comes with sticky tape and screw holes
for mounting.

It is currently showing "OUT OFF STOCK" so I can only hope it is ON ORDER
as it is the nearest thing I have found for my purpose.
I would like to have a control module that I can bring out just 2 wires to
a simple switch to switch on or off with just the one switch push.
The requirements for disabled (espescillly children) are quite difficult.

The X10 system can do all that and is only a
little higher cost of a very simple config like that.

3 or 4 times the cost of the Futuer switch on EBay.
Has an On and an OFF button which is not acceptable.

John G Sydney.
John G <john.g@green.com> wrote
Rod Speed wrote
John G <john.g@green.com> wrote
Jeßus wrote

I'm chasing a wireless mains switch which will handle 1600W, will also
be semi-outdoors (in an open farm shed). Also need a range of approx.
50m too. I only need one outlet, but if I have to buy two or more,
then so be it.

Just for clarification, I'm looking for something like this:
Only better quality than the one in the ebay link and specs as per
above, thanks in advance for any pointers!

It was I and I am still looking.
The switch in your link has been on sale at Aldi but only sometimes and
the Aldi version is just Australian without the US style extra holes.

I have just found one available from Radio Parts Melbourne which is a
single button device.


The switch module is 60 mm by 75 mm comes with sticky tape and screw
holes for mounting.

It is currently showing "OUT OFF STOCK" so I can only hope it is ON
ORDER as it is the nearest thing I have found for my purpose.
I would like to have a control module that I can bring out just 2 wires
to a simple switch to switch on or off with just the one switch push.
The requirements for disabled (espescillly children) are quite

The X10 system can do all that and is only a
little higher cost of a very simple config like that.

3 or 4 times the cost of the Futuer switch on EBay.

Not necessarily.

> Has an On and an OFF button

Not necessarily. There are toggle remotes available.

And you can do anything you like with a programmed system.

> which is not acceptable.

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