On Sep 24, 3:00 am, ashu <ashwanianand.d...@gmail.com> wrote:
understand how Quartus came to infer a block ram! I am in the process
of doing exactly the opposite of what you're doing. I used a big case
statement for the look up table but it filled the part. Now I'm
inferring a block ram to get it out of there! I would suggest
removing all the setup you did for the block ram and leave the case
statements alone. Should be fine then.
If you are using simple case statements for the table, I don'thi,
In my design i have to implement a look up table , presently it is
taking space in Ram ( using 1 M4K Block) but i want to implement that
by Luts so could any body suggest me any attribute to solve my
problem. i am using Quartus II & my target device is Cyclone.I am
using simple case statements to implement the look up table.
Thanks & regards
Ashwani Anand
understand how Quartus came to infer a block ram! I am in the process
of doing exactly the opposite of what you're doing. I used a big case
statement for the look up table but it filled the part. Now I'm
inferring a block ram to get it out of there! I would suggest
removing all the setup you did for the block ram and leave the case
statements alone. Should be fine then.