Phil Allison
"Mark Borgerson"
Phil Allison
** I have already answered this point - twice.
Curvature of the earth is not the issue - but the local terrain is.
Imagine that from the ground receiver's position, there is a hill 50 metres
higher, sited 1 km away.
How high is your horizon out at 100 km now ?
............ Phil
Phil Allison
** At 100 km range, that damn balloon better be up in the stratosphere
a free line of sight !
Huh??? An altitude of about 700 meters ought to put it above the
horizon over flat ground or water.
** I have already answered this point - twice.
Curvature of the earth is not the issue - but the local terrain is.
Imagine that from the ground receiver's position, there is a hill 50 metres
higher, sited 1 km away.
How high is your horizon out at 100 km now ?
............ Phil