Can I ask some expert advice to select radio modems to be used in a small
UAV (a model airplane infact) ?
Desired specs for the radio modem;
o Range : 5km (or more)
o Weight : Lighter than 150gm
o Data rate: 56-115.2K bits/sec
o Interface : RS232 (and/or TTL)
o Price : Must satisfy budget constraints of five uni students (ie. as
low cost as possible)
UAV (a model airplane infact) ?
Desired specs for the radio modem;
o Range : 5km (or more)
o Weight : Lighter than 150gm
o Data rate: 56-115.2K bits/sec
o Interface : RS232 (and/or TTL)
o Price : Must satisfy budget constraints of five uni students (ie. as
low cost as possible)