Carl Cursujani
Does anybody use the distributed processing option with Analog Design
Environement and use to monitor the jobs the Job Monitor?
I do so and I have the problem to see the log files of the jobs using
View->Log Files-> Output
As the log files are stored in the /tmp folder of the corresponding
machine where the job is running (which is different to the /tmp folder
of the machine on which the Job Monitor runs), the log files are not found.
The only solution that I found:
Log in by hand on the machine where the job is processed and watching
the log file on the Shell with less/more.
This is on long sight very uncomfortable!!
Does anybody has a solution for this problem.
I would be very grateful
Does anybody use the distributed processing option with Analog Design
Environement and use to monitor the jobs the Job Monitor?
I do so and I have the problem to see the log files of the jobs using
View->Log Files-> Output
As the log files are stored in the /tmp folder of the corresponding
machine where the job is running (which is different to the /tmp folder
of the machine on which the Job Monitor runs), the log files are not found.
The only solution that I found:
Log in by hand on the machine where the job is processed and watching
the log file on the Shell with less/more.
This is on long sight very uncomfortable!!
Does anybody has a solution for this problem.
I would be very grateful