When I do a transient-Simulation with spectre I get notices from spectre
in the log-File when certain limits in some devices are violated.
for example:
Notice from spectre at time = 21 ps during transient analysis `tran'.
I0.I0.I15.I4.I0.I5.I1.N0: Device leaves the gate-drain oxide breakdown
Unfortunately after a number of occurrences of the same violation the
notice will be surpressed by the simulator and the message
Further occurrences of this notice will be suppressed.
appear in the log file.
I am working on a VCO with an Automatic-Amplitude-Control (AAC) and it
is normal that in the beginning of the oscillation process some devices
leave their operation limits for a short while.
I want to see the notices with the warnings when steady oscillation is
Is their a possibility to tell spectre to log all warnings and to
prevent surpression of any notice?
(the +log =log option does not chance the behaviour)
Thanks for any suggestion
Best Regard
When I do a transient-Simulation with spectre I get notices from spectre
in the log-File when certain limits in some devices are violated.
for example:
Notice from spectre at time = 21 ps during transient analysis `tran'.
I0.I0.I15.I4.I0.I5.I1.N0: Device leaves the gate-drain oxide breakdown
Unfortunately after a number of occurrences of the same violation the
notice will be surpressed by the simulator and the message
Further occurrences of this notice will be suppressed.
appear in the log file.
I am working on a VCO with an Automatic-Amplitude-Control (AAC) and it
is normal that in the beginning of the oscillation process some devices
leave their operation limits for a short while.
I want to see the notices with the warnings when steady oscillation is
Is their a possibility to tell spectre to log all warnings and to
prevent surpression of any notice?
(the +log =log option does not chance the behaviour)
Thanks for any suggestion
Best Regard