I'm simulating an LM833 in inverting mode, very simple. just the two
resistors. And according to all datasheets the GBP of this amplifier is
typicaly 15 Mhz. This means that in the circuit of my amplifier, that
has two resistors of 10K, the gain is 1, so the bandwidth of my circuit
is half the GBP (correct me if i'm wrong, i'm new in this stuff). Why
the simulation in pspice show me that pole in 9Mhz??
Did anyone had the same problem?
resistors. And according to all datasheets the GBP of this amplifier is
typicaly 15 Mhz. This means that in the circuit of my amplifier, that
has two resistors of 10K, the gain is 1, so the bandwidth of my circuit
is half the GBP (correct me if i'm wrong, i'm new in this stuff). Why
the simulation in pspice show me that pole in 9Mhz??
Did anyone had the same problem?