Siddhartha Jain
I was looking for a 12v to 9v power power supply circuit to run an MP3
player in my car. The MP3 player has a 2.5" hard disk (the hdd uses 1A
@ 5v) inside so I want something that won't fry the HDD. Most circuits
I came across either use the LM317T or the LM7809. Can someone tell me
which one is better suited to my particular requirement?
- Siddhartha
I was looking for a 12v to 9v power power supply circuit to run an MP3
player in my car. The MP3 player has a 2.5" hard disk (the hdd uses 1A
@ 5v) inside so I want something that won't fry the HDD. Most circuits
I came across either use the LM317T or the LM7809. Can someone tell me
which one is better suited to my particular requirement?
- Siddhartha