I saw a circuit on the web that puts overcurrent protection (via
current sensing resistor and transistor)to the input of the LM317 to
"protect" it from output short circuit.
However, form the data sheet of LM317, if the protection diodes are
fitted, it appears to me that the LM317 can survive an output short
without damage.
So if the LM317 is operating within its input voltage limit, will it
survive an output short? Or, put simply, have you killed one recently?
I saw a circuit on the web that puts overcurrent protection (via
current sensing resistor and transistor)to the input of the LM317 to
"protect" it from output short circuit.
However, form the data sheet of LM317, if the protection diodes are
fitted, it appears to me that the LM317 can survive an output short
without damage.
So if the LM317 is operating within its input voltage limit, will it
survive an output short? Or, put simply, have you killed one recently?