I am having a huge clean-out of twenty years worth of treasures. (All righ,
junk). Somewhere there is someone who would recognise that cables,
power-supplies, turntables, tape drives, disk drives, linux-ready boxes,
modems, video cards and a hundred other things are valuable additions to the
junk-box, but he/she doesn't live near here or go to school near here. It's
all going to the tip.
But I do have about fifteen little stepper motors from printers and so on
that I have used in some interesting and sometimes successful essays into
robotics. I don't want to chuck them out. Anyone want them?
junk). Somewhere there is someone who would recognise that cables,
power-supplies, turntables, tape drives, disk drives, linux-ready boxes,
modems, video cards and a hundred other things are valuable additions to the
junk-box, but he/she doesn't live near here or go to school near here. It's
all going to the tip.
But I do have about fifteen little stepper motors from printers and so on
that I have used in some interesting and sometimes successful essays into
robotics. I don't want to chuck them out. Anyone want them?