Lithiun-ion battery question


A. Deguza

Hello All:

I hope this is the appropriate group for the following question:

I've got a Li_Ion battery recovered from a iPod docking station. It
has three wires coming out of it amd there is a connector with three
pins at the end.

Why three wires?

I bought some batteries similar to this, except I need to put my own
wires and connector. Which wire can I eliminate from the connector?

On Apr 1, 2:50 am, "A. Deguza" <> wrote:
Hello All:

I hope this is the appropriate group for the following question:

I've got a Li_Ion battery recovered from a iPod docking station. It
has three wires coming out of it amd there is a connector with three
pins at the end.

Why three wires?

I bought some batteries similar to this, except I need to put my own
wires and connector. Which wire can I eliminate from the connector?

If its like all other Li batteries, the three wires are +, - and a
wire that goes to an internal temp sensor to make sure the battery is
not over heating. As I understand it, its a thermistor hooked up
between that contact and -. If the temp goes too high it shuts down
the charging.

It happened on my droid when I had it in my car window in a window
mount in the sun and charging. Charging stopped and instead of an
orange charge light I got an orange blinking light telling me the
battery was overheating.
Also wanted to add, overcharging a Li battery is really bad so don't
eliminate the protection.

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