I am having problems with displaying Lissajou patterns (for educational
purpose) with a Tektronix 2246 and I need some help.
I have one and only one function generator set to display sinusoidal
signal. I put a T BNC connector on the output plug of the generator on
plug to 50 ohms BNC to it and I have connected the 2 ends to the scope
on CH1 and Ch2.
I have inverted the CH2 to have the exact same signal and frequency
inverted. I have changed the mode to XY and I am getting 2 diagonals
lines (like this <
I would really appreciate a little help from confirmed technician which
I am obviously not...
Thank you.
I am having problems with displaying Lissajou patterns (for educational
purpose) with a Tektronix 2246 and I need some help.
I have one and only one function generator set to display sinusoidal
signal. I put a T BNC connector on the output plug of the generator on
plug to 50 ohms BNC to it and I have connected the 2 ends to the scope
on CH1 and Ch2.
I have inverted the CH2 to have the exact same signal and frequency
inverted. I have changed the mode to XY and I am getting 2 diagonals
lines (like this <
nothing works.From there I cannot get any Lissajou figures. I have tried to change to
different mode, different type of current and different everything but
I would really appreciate a little help from confirmed technician which
I am obviously not...
Thank you.