Kulin Remailer
Screening and Background Checks
(800) 888-9419
Lisa D. McCants, of 2608 Wade Road SE #101 Washington DC 20020 has defaulted on a court supervised payment plan to a retail bank.
A court hearing on the matter was scheduled in the District of Columbia Superior Court for August 18, 2010. As a result, McCants will stand trial.
Lisa McCants has a POOR rating from Rosewood Hudson based on outstanding public records of unsatisfied indebtedness.
Rosewood Hudson recommends:
Lisa McCants NOT be hired
Lisa McCants NOT be retained as a contractor
Lisa McCants NOT be loaned money
Contact KELLY WOOLWINE for information on our small business plan!
Screening and Background Checks
(800) 888-9419
Lisa D. McCants, of 2608 Wade Road SE #101 Washington DC 20020 has defaulted on a court supervised payment plan to a retail bank.
A court hearing on the matter was scheduled in the District of Columbia Superior Court for August 18, 2010. As a result, McCants will stand trial.
Lisa McCants has a POOR rating from Rosewood Hudson based on outstanding public records of unsatisfied indebtedness.
Rosewood Hudson recommends:
Lisa McCants NOT be hired
Lisa McCants NOT be retained as a contractor
Lisa McCants NOT be loaned money
Contact KELLY WOOLWINE for information on our small business plan!