Linear and circular polarizer filters to be used infront of


Don Gravos

Where can I order (if possible in Australia) linear and circular polarizer
filters (URL and part number PLEASE) to be used infront of video projectors
for 3D display?

Thank you
Don Gravos a écrit :
Where can I order (if possible in Australia) linear and circular polarizer
filters (URL and part number PLEASE) to be used infront of video projectors
for 3D display?

Thank you
you can made it by yourself with a laserbeam and two linear vertical
smalls hooles (we can have a little one in a electronique spare shop as
gadget red light) as a device of the newton hole for study interferences
light) ;
This device make you very good interferences rays and if you open a
photocamera with an argentic film you obtain an industrial filter on the
surface of this film. Put off the objective of a 136 film ( 24 x 36
millimeters film) reflex camera and the image of the rays are directly
impressed in the argentic surface of the film (operate in the dark with
any color film or you can semi darkness with a red light for blak and
white film). every image you take is a filter. (dependind the several
time of exposition you try)

You can make an argentic phototreatment by yourself and you obtain an
industrial filter. (I never try it with a digital photo caera, perhaps
it works ... May be but the lenth will make diffraction if you dont put
off them )

((please ever be carefull for your eyes with laser light devices)) !!!

The same you change the beam waves or the distances of the hole, the
same you change the wave of the filter (the distances of ray are
fonction of the distances between holes and the waves of the light)

umploying a laser light or beam will procure you a good stability and a
monochromatic wave and filter you obtain are very stable.
put the film facing of the direction of the projecting device to obtain
parallele lines.

I let you the prefernce for a b. and w. simple film or a color one. But
in case of a color one you have to umploy a new procees monochromatic
(to obtain a b. and w. effect) . Thus you may collect several rays dues
to the chromatic filter contained in the surface.
Good luck
good 3 D look ;-))

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