Like LM358 but to rail?



Can someone please advise the lowest cost op amp with similar specs to
the LM358 but with rail-to-rail outputs?

I searched and searched but everything found so far, that is readily
available, was far more expensive.

Thank you,

"Russell" <> wrote

Can someone please advise the lowest cost op amp with similar specs to
the LM358 but with rail-to-rail outputs?
Prithee, why do you need to go R2R?

One can get close, though. Add a transistor to the output and one rail
will be limited by the load current draw and the size of the transistor's
collector resistor. The other rail will be limited by the transistor's
saturation voltage.

Run the feedback from the Q's collector to the op-amp's + input. You
may need a small C in || with the feedback R for stability.

Nicholas O. Lindan, Cleveland, Ohio
Consulting Engineer: Electronics; Informatics; Photonics.
Remove spaces etc. to reply: n o lindan at net com dot com

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