Light organ schematic?

Does anyone have instructions for building a "light organ" ?
I want to drive a floodlight with a thunder sound, either line level
or speaker level.

I know I can order it in kit form, but I'm worried I won't get it in
time for Halloween.
<> wrote in message
Does anyone have instructions for building a "light organ" ?
I want to drive a floodlight with a thunder sound, either line level
or speaker level.

I know I can order it in kit form, but I'm worried I won't get it in
time for Halloween.
I don't think you'll be able to get the parts in time for Halloween either
but here it is:

You can simplify the heck out of the circuit to do what you want. Meanwhile,
I'll try to find another one.
<> wrote in message
Does anyone have instructions for building a "light organ" ?
I want to drive a floodlight with a thunder sound, either line level
or speaker level.

I know I can order it in kit form, but I'm worried I won't get it in
time for Halloween.
A much better schematic for your purposes. You can eliminate two of the
light drivers. Just make sure that the SCR you choose will handle your
floodlight. Your local Radio Shack should have the parts.
"Baphomet" <> wrote in message> wrote in message
Does anyone have instructions for building a "light organ" ?
I want to drive a floodlight with a thunder sound, either line level
or speaker level.

I know I can order it in kit form, but I'm worried I won't get it in
time for Halloween.

A much better schematic for your purposes. You can eliminate two of the
light drivers. Just make sure that the SCR you choose will handle your
floodlight. Your local Radio Shack should have the parts.
You`ll probably need to use a C106 Thyristor (SCR) with this circuit as it
needs a sensitive gate type to trigger.Still standard Rat Shak part guess.


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