Library manager-> View ->Display options-> Enable Query of



Please clarify what exactly is this?

By default this is enabled. how to disable it permanently in cdsinit ?

Does enabling this slows down the complete Cadence ICFB environment?

On 08/22/12 17:38, yvk wrote:
Please clarify what exactly is this?

By default this is enabled. how to disable it permanently in cdsinit ?

Does enabling this slows down the complete Cadence ICFB environment?

When you select a cell in the library manager (you must be using IC615,
so not "icfb" which is IC5141), with this turned on, the library manager
has to ask the design management system for the status of all views for
that cell. If the DM system has a remote server, or there are a lot of
views under the cell, it can present a performance hit.

You can change this by doing View->Display Options in the library
manager, and altering what you want. Then do File->Save Defaults and
save to your ~/.cdsenv

From this you can see that the .cdsenv setting has to be:

cdsLibManager.displayOptions enableDmQuery boolean nil

Note that this must go in a .cdsenv file - it cannot be done from
..cdsinit (because the library manager is a standalone process that
doesn't read the .cdsinit).

Thanks that works.


On Tuesday, September 4, 2012 3:51:19 PM UTC+5:30, Andrew Beckett wrote:
On 08/22/12 17:38, yvk wrote:

Please clarify what exactly is this?

By default this is enabled. how to disable it permanently in cdsinit ?

Does enabling this slows down the complete Cadence ICFB environment?



When you select a cell in the library manager (you must be using IC615,

so not "icfb" which is IC5141), with this turned on, the library manager

has to ask the design management system for the status of all views for

that cell. If the DM system has a remote server, or there are a lot of

views under the cell, it can present a performance hit.

You can change this by doing View->Display Options in the library

manager, and altering what you want. Then do File->Save Defaults and

save to your ~/.cdsenv

From this you can see that the .cdsenv setting has to be:

cdsLibManager.displayOptions enableDmQuery boolean nil

Note that this must go in a .cdsenv file - it cannot be done from

.cdsinit (because the library manager is a standalone process that

doesn't read the .cdsinit).


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