Is it allowable within VHDL + Modelsim to complie a package in the
work library and then reference that package within another library
(sim) as long as library work; use work.pkg_fpga.all is used in the
VHDL file? The reason I ask is because a Vcom -1195 error is reported
(i.e. work library does not contain the package), when I compile the
VHDL file into the sim library and the package is within the work
library. It's all fine when the package and file are in the same
library. One other observation is that when you choose the library to
compile to within the GUI work is listed twice, any ideas why this is
the case?
Ps My Modelsim version is locked to Altera i.e pre compiled Altera
Is it allowable within VHDL + Modelsim to complie a package in the
work library and then reference that package within another library
(sim) as long as library work; use work.pkg_fpga.all is used in the
VHDL file? The reason I ask is because a Vcom -1195 error is reported
(i.e. work library does not contain the package), when I compile the
VHDL file into the sim library and the package is within the work
library. It's all fine when the package and file are in the same
library. One other observation is that when you choose the library to
compile to within the GUI work is listed twice, any ideas why this is
the case?
Ps My Modelsim version is locked to Altera i.e pre compiled Altera