Library ASSIGN TMP property


Guenther Sohler

Some time ago I read in the newsgroups about
how to install custom view types in cadence(not the recent thread about
adding pdf with xpdf)
The Answer was a link to A Cadence PDF file which read something like
Reading this pdf file was very interesting,
I learned how to assign a Temporary LIbrary to a readonly library to make
it locally readable.
ASSIGN <libname> TMP <path/to/directory>

Now, when now needing this and trying this, it does not work and I cant
find the manual anymore. I am using IC/5.1.41


Can anybody help out
On Mon, 23 May 2005 08:06:40 +0200, Guenther Sohler
<> wrote:

Some time ago I read in the newsgroups about
how to install custom view types in cadence(not the recent thread about
adding pdf with xpdf)
The Answer was a link to A Cadence PDF file which read something like
Reading this pdf file was very interesting,
I learned how to assign a Temporary LIbrary to a readonly library to make
it locally readable.
ASSIGN <libname> TMP <path/to/directory

Now, when now needing this and trying this, it does not work and I cant
find the manual anymore. I am using IC/5.1.41


Can anybody help out
It was the Cadence Application Infrastructure Guide. In pdf
form, this can be found at:



Halle Andrew,

thank you for your answer. I read the manual again and maybe found a
reason, why it does not work for me.
The manual says, that it just works for "derived" data, not for orginal
After assigning a temportary library to a readonly library:

*creating a new cellview in the readonly library
does not work: permision denied - orginal data

* creating an abstract from a layout:
does not work: permission denied

What works, and what is derived data in this case ?

On Mon, 23 May 2005 17:01:49 +0200, Guenther Sohler
<> wrote:

Halle Andrew,

thank you for your answer. I read the manual again and maybe found a
reason, why it does not work for me.
The manual says, that it just works for "derived" data, not for orginal
After assigning a temportary library to a readonly library:

*creating a new cellview in the readonly library
does not work: permision denied - orginal data

* creating an abstract from a layout:
does not work: permission denied

What works, and what is derived data in this case ?

The idea is that things like when you compile a Verilog cellView (with say
ncvlog), and it generates a "pak" file, it can put this into the TMP area,
since it is derived.

Similarly, with AMS Designer, if you have a schematic in a readonly library,
and you need to generate the corresponding verilog.vams netlist (which would
normally reside in the cellView directory), it can put this in the
corresponding directory in the TMP directory.

These are both simple cases of derived data, where the data is directly
computed from data already in a library. It does not allow you to create a
whole new cellView from another cellView. In general, DFII has fairly limited
support for ASSIGN TMP, really only enough to support its use with NC-tools
and AMS Designer.

The concept of what is derived has been stretched a little with the
CDS_BIND_TMP_DD environment variable (which is covered in the AMS
Environment User Guide) which allows you to compile a whole new view
into the TMP area, and then view switch into it. In this case it's not really
derived data at all, but it's a special case which has been supported in
the hierarchy editor and ncelab.



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