LG VX8360


Van Chocstraw

My new free cell phone from Verizon which replaces my LG for Unicel, the
battery goes dead just sitting on the desk turned off. I leave it for a
couple days and the battery is too dead to turn the phone on so I have
to charge it up again. Never had one like that, is it normal?

I leave it for a couple days and the battery is too dead to turn
the phone on so I have to charge it up again. Never had one like
that, is it normal?
Every cell phone I have ever owned would slowly run its battery down
while "turned off". I found that at least some of them would continue
to pull power from the battery, most usually to keep a time and date
clock running. (Today's phones wouldn't have to do that--most of them
can get the current time and date from the network they are on.)

If you feel that the phone is pulling the battery down much more
rapidly than it should be, I'd do these three things:

1. Ask other owners of the phone if theirs does the same thing.
2. Ask Verizon if that's normal.
3. Ask Verizon or LG if there has been any updated firmware released
for the phone. Perhaps there is an error in the firmware that you have
now which is causing excessive battery drain while the phone is
supposed to be off.

If the room where you're keeping the phone is unusually cold, that
could be causing the battery to become discharged. Lithium-ion
batteries seem to lose their charge rapidly when chilled.

On Apr 8, 6:26 am, Van Chocstraw <boobooililili...@roadrunner.com>
My new free cell phone from Verizon which replaces my LG for Unicel, the
battery goes dead just sitting on the desk turned off. I leave it for a
couple days and the battery is too dead to turn the phone on so I have
to charge it up again. Never had one like that, is it normal?
ive been having the same problem it's happened 3 times now. i had left
it on for 4 days straight and it only went down 1 bar, but when i
turned it off and then back on the next day the battery was totally
dead! id recommend getting different phone if your still in their 30
day 'switch' time frame, if not demand that they fix it. im going to
try some of will's ideas but going from a full battery to dead
overnight while off is just ridiculous, i want unicel back :(
On Apr 8, 9:26 am, Van Chocstraw <boobooililili...@roadrunner.com>
My new free cell phone from Verizon which replaces my LG for Unicel, the
battery goes dead just sitting on the desk turned off. I leave it for a
couple days and the battery is too dead to turn the phone on so I have
to charge it up again. Never had one like that, is it normal?
I had the same problem with my LG VX8360. The batter dies with the
phone turned off within a week or so. I sent it back. I have to get
a new phone from a local Verizon store.

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