LG 700s question re horizontal drive


Jason James

I have had a fault appear in my LG monitor where the horizontal linearity
has gone cactus. The width is about 1/2 and is very corrupted. From my
electronics course we touched briefly on TV, but this was in the "old days".
Apart from the main symptom everything else appears OK except the digital
control buttons on the front are inoperative with anything to do with
horizontal shape/position etc.

My question is: is this fault likely to be in the lower level cctry where
the drive waveshape is generated, as opposed to older desoign where
compensatory adjustments were done at higher levels around the deflection

The failure occured as though a capacitor went thru a breakdown sequence
over a few seconds with the full width undergoing a a series of rapid
reductions and recovery followed by complete reduction and loss of


In monitors, microcontroller generates control signal that controls the
amplitude of correction signal generated somewhere else.
In your particular case, I suspect that micro is OK and output stages
developed fault. Can you tell me what chassis monitor is (written on the
back). I amight be able to help with circuit diagram.


"Jason James" <associate@dodo.comzapspam.au> wrote in message
I have had a fault appear in my LG monitor where the horizontal linearity
has gone cactus. The width is about 1/2 and is very corrupted. From my
electronics course we touched briefly on TV, but this was in the "old
Apart from the main symptom everything else appears OK except the digital
control buttons on the front are inoperative with anything to do with
horizontal shape/position etc.

My question is: is this fault likely to be in the lower level cctry where
the drive waveshape is generated, as opposed to older desoign where
compensatory adjustments were done at higher levels around the deflection

The failure occured as though a capacitor went thru a breakdown sequence
over a few seconds with the full width undergoing a a series of rapid
reductions and recovery followed by complete reduction and loss of


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