letters to figures



Hi ,
I am trying to prints names on to the chip layout.
So is there a procedure where i could create names in layout . Is the
best way to create a pcell for each letter or number or is an existing

Take a look at this link :


It was originally written with the following header :

Program Name : pgText.il
Author : Matt MacConnel [Cadence, Orlando ]
Date : 12/16/91
Revision : 1.0
SW Release : 4.2.1
Prerequisites : None
Synopsis : pgText() => nil
Users Guide : None
Description :


Kholdoun TORKI

supra wrote:

Hi ,
I am trying to prints names on to the chip layout.
So is there a procedure where i could create names in layout . Is the
best way to create a pcell for each letter or number or is an existing

On Sep 5, 8:47 pm, supra <suprad...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi ,
I am trying to prints names on to the chip layout.
So is there a procedure where i could create names in layout . Is the
best way to create a pcell for each letter or number or is an existing

Just to mention it in case you haven't already found out: There is a
save As in gimp where you can save a bitmap to a .il file and load
that one into virutoso. You have to compile the CIF module for gimp so
you need a working gcc environment.

It is a fairly easy way to get company logos onto metal. A little
experimenting is nescessary but the result is really good.
On Thu, 06 Sep 2007 19:28:51 -0000, Svenn Are Bjerkem
<svenn.bjerkem@googlemail.com> wrote:

On Sep 5, 8:47 pm, supra <suprad...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi ,
I am trying to prints names on to the chip layout.
So is there a procedure where i could create names in layout . Is the
best way to create a pcell for each letter or number or is an existing


Just to mention it in case you haven't already found out: There is a
save As in gimp where you can save a bitmap to a .il file and load
that one into virutoso. You have to compile the CIF module for gimp so
you need a working gcc environment.

It is a fairly easy way to get company logos onto metal. A little
experimenting is nescessary but the result is really good.
There's also a utility in the "turbo toolbox" (now included with Virtuoso Layout
Editor) - see the documentation for the turbo toolbox.

Andrew Beckett
Senior Solution Architect
Cadence Design Systems, UK.
Τη Κυριακή, 16 Σεπτεμβρίου 2007 - 9:05:35 π.μ. UTC+2, ο χρήστης Andrew Beckett έγραψε:
On Thu, 06 Sep 2007 19:28:51 -0000, Svenn Are Bjerkem
svenn.bjerkem@googlemail.com> wrote:

On Sep 5, 8:47 pm, supra <suprad...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi ,
I am trying to prints names on to the chip layout.
So is there a procedure where i could create names in layout . Is the
best way to create a pcell for each letter or number or is an existing


Just to mention it in case you haven't already found out: There is a
save As in gimp where you can save a bitmap to a .il file and load
that one into virutoso. You have to compile the CIF module for gimp so
you need a working gcc environment.

It is a fairly easy way to get company logos onto metal. A little
experimenting is nescessary but the result is really good.

There's also a utility in the "turbo toolbox" (now included with Virtuoso Layout
Editor) - see the documentation for the turbo toolbox.

Andrew Beckett
Senior Solution Architect
Cadence Design Systems, UK.

Which requires the technology file. I am developing a layout without technology as I am kind of developing the techonlogy in the clean room at the same time. This is some limitation that forces me to take different turns just to print some letters...

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