Powelson perfected a regression back to the primordial soup and thought he
found paradise. His only problem was that he had to kill person after
person to achieve his dream with Carolyn.
I was fighting Powelson all the way. I was one of the expendible people he
had to kill. I perfected a regression of my own beyond the primordial soup
and into the history of eternity. God gave me a generous supply of weaponry
to fight off Powelson. Once I used a weapon Powelson figured it out and I
could never use it again, but it set him back far enough for God to give me
another and another, and an infinite number of weapons if I so needed them.
It was in that way that I defeated Jack Powelson. He died a broken man.
Not to mention all the lives he ruined in his day. He couldn't regenerate
like he wanted. When he died his brain die like everyone's brain dies when
they die. Powelson just had to join the human race. He would carry no
advantage to reincarnate. He would not live through all the lives he
touched or all the lives he crucified. Nothing made him that special.
As a fringe benefit I got to have the grand tour of eternity and God's
evolution. Just as I expected. You don't give a damned.
So she's married to her sack of rattling bones. They don't have my
blessing. They make a living milking off the hard work of others getting
paychecks they didn't earn. And since behind suicide I'm not afraid to die,
and behind homicide I'm not afraid to go to prison or be put to death, the
glory couple has no hiding place from the reaper. They are as guilty as
If Carolyn doesn't have to follow her conscience, then neither do I; and
neither do I the double. She may be dead. Chalk one up to mayhem, an act
of God. God avenges me when He wants, however He wants, if He ever does.
The furnace motor is coming together in a nice way. It's just a backup. In
the dead of winter I don't have 3 weeks of freezing pipes and cold to wait
on the delivery of a motor. I just don't. I'd like to get a kerosene
heater for when the power goes out. I already have an inverter to run one
15-amp circuit. It's worked pretty well so far.
Mother said if life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
found paradise. His only problem was that he had to kill person after
person to achieve his dream with Carolyn.
I was fighting Powelson all the way. I was one of the expendible people he
had to kill. I perfected a regression of my own beyond the primordial soup
and into the history of eternity. God gave me a generous supply of weaponry
to fight off Powelson. Once I used a weapon Powelson figured it out and I
could never use it again, but it set him back far enough for God to give me
another and another, and an infinite number of weapons if I so needed them.
It was in that way that I defeated Jack Powelson. He died a broken man.
Not to mention all the lives he ruined in his day. He couldn't regenerate
like he wanted. When he died his brain die like everyone's brain dies when
they die. Powelson just had to join the human race. He would carry no
advantage to reincarnate. He would not live through all the lives he
touched or all the lives he crucified. Nothing made him that special.
As a fringe benefit I got to have the grand tour of eternity and God's
evolution. Just as I expected. You don't give a damned.
So she's married to her sack of rattling bones. They don't have my
blessing. They make a living milking off the hard work of others getting
paychecks they didn't earn. And since behind suicide I'm not afraid to die,
and behind homicide I'm not afraid to go to prison or be put to death, the
glory couple has no hiding place from the reaper. They are as guilty as
If Carolyn doesn't have to follow her conscience, then neither do I; and
neither do I the double. She may be dead. Chalk one up to mayhem, an act
of God. God avenges me when He wants, however He wants, if He ever does.
The furnace motor is coming together in a nice way. It's just a backup. In
the dead of winter I don't have 3 weeks of freezing pipes and cold to wait
on the delivery of a motor. I just don't. I'd like to get a kerosene
heater for when the power goes out. I already have an inverter to run one
15-amp circuit. It's worked pretty well so far.
Mother said if life gives you lemons, make lemonade.