I've got a bit of a mystery. I've ordered a couple of these:
along with a constant current supply:
The only tidbit of information I can find is that you drive them with
300 ma @1.7V.
I've asked a couple of questions on their forums on how best to drive
2 of these from that one supply; I'm getting conflicting answers.
About half the answers say to drive them in series and the other half
in parallel.
My limited understanding says that you drive LEDs in series so that
each gets the same current.
With a constant current supply, my gut feeling says that driving these
in series should be OK. The PS uses a PT4105 chip, which is a
constant current LED driver. I've looked over the datasheet but alas
I'm not an electronics engineer... :-(
Also, the vendor says I can drive it with 12-24 V; the datasheet says
I have one PS and two LEDs on the way. How do I start once they get
along with a constant current supply:
The only tidbit of information I can find is that you drive them with
300 ma @1.7V.
I've asked a couple of questions on their forums on how best to drive
2 of these from that one supply; I'm getting conflicting answers.
About half the answers say to drive them in series and the other half
in parallel.
My limited understanding says that you drive LEDs in series so that
each gets the same current.
With a constant current supply, my gut feeling says that driving these
in series should be OK. The PS uses a PT4105 chip, which is a
constant current LED driver. I've looked over the datasheet but alas
I'm not an electronics engineer... :-(
Also, the vendor says I can drive it with 12-24 V; the datasheet says
I have one PS and two LEDs on the way. How do I start once they get