learn electronics



i am a newbie and i want to learn electronics i dnt have time to go to a
technical college beacuse I am currently studying at the university of
malta and i am studying communications and media studies but i wish to
learn electronics any help i would like to find a sort of self paced guide
which goes beyond basics i would like to venture this hobby and be able to
be conversant with design and servicing regards

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On Fri, 10 Jun 2005 18:52:57 +0200, divineworld@gmail.com (dsaint)

i am a newbie and i want to learn electronics i dnt have time to go to a
technical college beacuse I am currently studying at the university of
malta and i am studying communications and media studies but i wish to
learn electronics any help i would like to find a sort of self paced guide
which goes beyond basics i would like to venture this hobby and be able to
be conversant with design and servicing regards

*** Sent From/Enviado desde: http://groups.expo.st ***

Looks promising, but...no promises. I haven't exhausted this resource
at all..also...


Google.com is your friend. :)

Regards for your help I found thoose sites very useful and yea Google.com
is really a good pal whilst studying but I wonder if you can go beyond the
really basic electronics are there any resources, books, tutorials

*** Sent From/Enviado desde: http://groups.expo.st ***
dsaint wrote:
Regards for your help I found thoose sites very useful and yea Google.com
is really a good pal whilst studying but I wonder if you can go beyond the
really basic electronics are there any resources, books, tutorials

*** Sent From/Enviado desde: http://groups.expo.st ***
I am finally able to say that if you search the web religiously and
read all tutorials, that it now has all the required info to learn
a degreed level of competence at basic electronic design.

For example, go to mit.edu , as they are now in the process of putting
ALL their engineering courses online for FREE, GRATIS, KOSTENLOS!!

And hit Sam Goldwasser and Tomi Engdahl and others they reference
and Google for the rest.

-Steve Walz rstevew@armory.com ftp://ftp.armory.com/pub/user/rstevew
Electronics Site!! 1000's of Files and Dirs!! With Schematics Galore!!
http://www.armory.com/~rstevew or http://www.armory.com/~rstevew/Public
R. Steve Walz wrote:

I am finally able to say that if you search the web religiously and
read all tutorials, that it now has all the required info to learn
a degreed level of competence at basic electronic design.

For example, go to mit.edu , as they are now in the process of putting
ALL their engineering courses online for FREE, GRATIS, KOSTENLOS!!
But they are not easy to find, especially not for a beginner.

What is needed are web sites which guide the beginner, and anybody who
wants to learn. That helps him/her to find the knowledge in an order
which simplifies understanding and learning.

It could be like a list of links and lessons to read, to see on video,
a list of knowledge needed and where to find the best free alternatives
for each part of knowledge.

As new alternatives show up, and the ways to explain are refined this
school of electronics has to revise the links and add new stuff.

There can be many competing web sites which refer to the material on
the web in different ways, organising the material in different ways.
The users will vote with their feet, so to speak, for the best

In the newsgroup for freeware the participators are cooperating to
produce a yearly guide over freeware.
It is presented on the web at http://www.pricelesswarehome.org/ and it
can be dowloaded in the form of an ISO file and burnt to CD. Or you can
ask one of our volunteers worldwide to burn a copy and send to you via

What does this have to do with...?

Well, the participators of sed and seb have better competence that most
people in judging the pedagogic and technical content of web pages
about electronics. We could do something similar to what they do in the
freeware newsgroup.

We could cooperate to collect good links and organize them in a good

Roger J.
We could cooperate to collect good links and organize them in a good
What a nice idea - maybe a thread needs to be started on that very

One amusing (and sad in a way) thing I see on the various
sci.electronics.x boards are design questions from those with zero (or
close to it) knowledge of the foundation subjects. That does not deny
that the purpose of s.e.b. is for precisely that audience, of course,
nor do I deny that a well-formed answer can lead someone toward some
real knowledge. I am referring here to the posts one occasionally sees
looking for an answer to a problem, the possible solution to which is
almost impossible to impart without a decent knowledge of the
foundation subjects.

If there were a thread on 'knowledge resources', at least they could be
pointed out for such posts :)

Those subjects *do* take time to master, but I really don't think one
can design effectively without mastery of them.



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