The thought from the beginning was to somehow connect a parallel LCD
display to the computers USB-port. A PIC-micro could take care of the
serial-to-paralell conversion, but how connect a cheap PIC to the
USB-port? A converter chip would be great, but then I came to think of
data cables for mobiles. They are just that, USB to serial converters,
they are cheap and I don't have to solder the little USB-ic myself.
Like this:
USB-port -- data cable -- PIC-processor -- LCD
Can this work? Is a PIC16F84 enough?
display to the computers USB-port. A PIC-micro could take care of the
serial-to-paralell conversion, but how connect a cheap PIC to the
USB-port? A converter chip would be great, but then I came to think of
data cables for mobiles. They are just that, USB to serial converters,
they are cheap and I don't have to solder the little USB-ic myself.
Like this:
USB-port -- data cable -- PIC-processor -- LCD
Can this work? Is a PIC16F84 enough?