LCD projector Problem


Michael Kennedy

I have had a chance to dig into this LCD projector that has been producing
ghost images.

I tried disconnecting all but one lcd panel inside the projector and it
produced an image which had a ghost image in the center but not near the

My queststion is this typical of warped polarization filters? I would think
that it would require more than one lcd to produce an image that is ghosted
like this for warped filters to be the problem.. for example one panel would
be sending light a bit out of convergence.

Does anyone have any expirence with this?

Michael Kennedy wrote:

I have had a chance to dig into this LCD projector that has been
producing ghost images.

I tried disconnecting all but one lcd panel inside the projector and
it produced an image which had a ghost image in the center but not
near the edges.
WAG. Could it just be a reflection due to grime on the face of the
panel ?

My queststion is this typical of warped polarization filters? I would
think that it would require more than one lcd to produce an image that
is ghosted like this for warped filters to be the problem.. for
example one panel would be sending light a bit out of convergence.

Does anyone have any expirence with this?

Best Regards:
"Baron" <> wrote in message
Michael Kennedy wrote:

I have had a chance to dig into this LCD projector that has been
producing ghost images.

I tried disconnecting all but one lcd panel inside the projector and
it produced an image which had a ghost image in the center but not
near the edges.

WAG. Could it just be a reflection due to grime on the face of the
panel ?
Thanks for the fast reply!

Hmm.. I don't think it is grime. The projector appears to be pretty clean
inside. My other projector has dust inside it you can foucus in on. This one
appears to be clean aside from one speck on the screen.

I had thought the problem might be electronic in nature and since this thing
has loads of electrolytics on I tried freezing them to see if it would make
any difference. There was no aparrent effect on the image. Unfortunately I
can't check the ESR since I am on the other side of the planet and my ESR
meter is back home. I knew I should have brought it with me.
"Michael Kennedy" <> wrote in message
I have had a chance to dig into this LCD projector that has been producing
ghost images.

I tried disconnecting all but one lcd panel inside the projector and it
produced an image which had a ghost image in the center but not near the

My queststion is this typical of warped polarization filters? I would
think that it would require more than one lcd to produce an image that is
ghosted like this for warped filters to be the problem.. for example one
panel would be sending light a bit out of convergence.

Does anyone have any expirence with this?

Well I think I may have partially answered my own question... I'm pretty
sure the problem lies in the electronics.

I set up a full screen image of dark blue and light blue text. No problems.
Convergence is perfect.

Tried full screen red... To the right there are 4 or 5 black lines 1 pixel
wide each near the right edge of the screen.

Tried full screen green. There are 4 or 5 1 pixel wide black lines to the
left of the screen.

So I guess that means the problems are electronic.. Where to start.

This is an Epson ELP-5000 projector.
Michael Kennedy wrote:

"Baron" <> wrote in message
Michael Kennedy wrote:

I have had a chance to dig into this LCD projector that has been
producing ghost images.

I tried disconnecting all but one lcd panel inside the projector and
it produced an image which had a ghost image in the center but not
near the edges.

WAG. Could it just be a reflection due to grime on the face of the
panel ?

Thanks for the fast reply!

Hmm.. I don't think it is grime. The projector appears to be pretty
clean inside. My other projector has dust inside it you can foucus in
on. This one appears to be clean aside from one speck on the screen.

I had thought the problem might be electronic in nature and since this
thing has loads of electrolytics on I tried freezing them to see if it
would make
any difference. There was no aparrent effect on the image.
Unfortunately I can't check the ESR since I am on the other side of
the planet and my ESR meter is back home. I knew I should have brought
it with me.
Ah well. :) I might have been lucky !

Best Regards:
Baron <> writes:

Michael Kennedy wrote:

"Baron" <> wrote in message
Michael Kennedy wrote:

I have had a chance to dig into this LCD projector that has been
producing ghost images.

I tried disconnecting all but one lcd panel inside the projector and
it produced an image which had a ghost image in the center but not
near the edges.

WAG. Could it just be a reflection due to grime on the face of the
panel ?

Thanks for the fast reply!

Hmm.. I don't think it is grime. The projector appears to be pretty
clean inside. My other projector has dust inside it you can foucus in
on. This one appears to be clean aside from one speck on the screen.

I had thought the problem might be electronic in nature and since this
thing has loads of electrolytics on I tried freezing them to see if it
would make
any difference. There was no aparrent effect on the image.
Unfortunately I can't check the ESR since I am on the other side of
the planet and my ESR meter is back home. I knew I should have brought
it with me.

Ah well. :) I might have been lucky !
Can you swap drive among the panels? That might help to narrow it down
to the electronics, LCDs, or optics.

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"Samuel M. Goldwasser" <> wrote in message
Baron <> writes:

Michael Kennedy wrote:

"Baron" <> wrote in message
Michael Kennedy wrote:

I have had a chance to dig into this LCD projector that has been
producing ghost images.

I tried disconnecting all but one lcd panel inside the projector and
it produced an image which had a ghost image in the center but not
near the edges.

WAG. Could it just be a reflection due to grime on the face of the
panel ?

Thanks for the fast reply!

Hmm.. I don't think it is grime. The projector appears to be pretty
clean inside. My other projector has dust inside it you can foucus in
on. This one appears to be clean aside from one speck on the screen.

I had thought the problem might be electronic in nature and since this
thing has loads of electrolytics on I tried freezing them to see if it
would make
any difference. There was no aparrent effect on the image.
Unfortunately I can't check the ESR since I am on the other side of
the planet and my ESR meter is back home. I knew I should have broughtt
it with me.

Ah well. :) I might have been lucky !

Can you swap drive among the panels? That might help to narrow it down
to the electronics, LCDs, or optics.

I think I've narrowed it down to the electronics.
A red full screen image has 4 or 5 1 pixel lines runing vertically on the
far right side of the screen. If you adjust the image location in the setup
for the projector these lines move with the image.

The same is true for green except the lines are on the left side of the

A blue image converges fine as along as all things are shades of blue. for
example blue background with light blue text.
I have a similar problem with a panasonic lcd projector. The manual
lists a software for RGB ghost adjustment. I'm still searching for
that adjustment softwre.
"jango2" <> wrote in message
I have a similar problem with a panasonic lcd projector. The manual
lists a software for RGB ghost adjustment. I'm still searching for
that adjustment softwre.
Well my problem developed after I had the projector. Some part has failed
inside the projecor. For my projector I'd guess some bad caps since it has
so many smd electrolytics. Unless someone changed the settings on your
projector I'd assume thats its a hardware failure as well. Check the caps
with an ESR meter and see if there are any that need replacing. I plan to do
the same after I get my ESR meter mailed to me.


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