Michael Kennedy
I have had a chance to dig into this LCD projector that has been producing
ghost images.
I tried disconnecting all but one lcd panel inside the projector and it
produced an image which had a ghost image in the center but not near the
My queststion is this typical of warped polarization filters? I would think
that it would require more than one lcd to produce an image that is ghosted
like this for warped filters to be the problem.. for example one panel would
be sending light a bit out of convergence.
Does anyone have any expirence with this?
ghost images.
I tried disconnecting all but one lcd panel inside the projector and it
produced an image which had a ghost image in the center but not near the
My queststion is this typical of warped polarization filters? I would think
that it would require more than one lcd to produce an image that is ghosted
like this for warped filters to be the problem.. for example one panel would
be sending light a bit out of convergence.
Does anyone have any expirence with this?