LCD Monitors question



I have a question which was posed to me yesterday. "I" am not familiar with
LCD Computer Monitors from Lap tops past the point of looking at one as I am
now to type this. I've never taken one off, or even peered into the inside
of a laptop or seen any schematics for an LCD display to have been able to
even come close to answering this question.

The question was.....

Given there are many used laptops out there with colored monitors, is there
a way they can be removed from the laptop and voltages applied - including
any reference voltages - to be used to hook up to a DVD player or some other
unit needing a video display????

I will forward all replies to my friend, and I thank you in advance - as I
too will learn something here. My field is electronics, but we can't know
everything - can we? I'd love to meet the person who claims to.

"L." <FFSTA17NO@SPAMACCESS995.COM> wrote in message

Given there are many used laptops out there with colored monitors, is
a way they can be removed from the laptop and voltages applied - including
any reference voltages - to be used to hook up to a DVD player or some
unit needing a video display????
It's certainly POSSIBLE, but not without some serious design &
construction work. You would need to reproduce the "front end"
circuits of a monitor or TV, which take the signals from the video
source and modify them so as to properly drive the panel (basically,
re-scaling the image format to match that of the panel, convert to
the proper drive/timing for the panel in question, etc.). It's not a
trivial task, as it involves a good deal more than just taking the
panel out of the laptop, feeding it the right voltages, and connecting
the video signal to wherever. Again, doable, but not something that
you're going to tackle without help if you have no prior experience.
And it'll no doubt be a whole lot simpler just to go find a monitor with
the appropriate video input.

I will forward all replies to my friend, and I thank you in advance - as I
too will learn something here. My field is electronics, but we can't know
everything - can we? I'd love to meet the person who claims to.
Gee, it's pretty easy to CLAIM to. :)

Bob M.
Thanks..... I'll pass it on. I'm not much of a TV enthusiast to watch my TV
in the living room, let alone carry one in a car or portable. I use my TV to
put me to sleep! Anyway, as I said, I was asking for a friend who posed the
question to me yesterday after he was looking at some LCD monitors for DVD
play back - in Circuit City. He doesn't have access to news groups to ask,
so he knowing I did, thought I could put a feeler out to anyone who may be
able to give a reply. He has limited electronics experience and may even
want to play with the ideas as presented. All I can say to him is GOOD LUCK!

Thanks again!

"Bob Myers" <nospamplease@address.invalid> wrote in message
"L." <FFSTA17NO@SPAMACCESS995.COM> wrote in message

Given there are many used laptops out there with colored monitors, is
a way they can be removed from the laptop and voltages applied -
any reference voltages - to be used to hook up to a DVD player or some
unit needing a video display????

It's certainly POSSIBLE, but not without some serious design &
construction work. You would need to reproduce the "front end"
circuits of a monitor or TV, which take the signals from the video
source and modify them so as to properly drive the panel (basically,
re-scaling the image format to match that of the panel, convert to
the proper drive/timing for the panel in question, etc.). It's not a
trivial task, as it involves a good deal more than just taking the
panel out of the laptop, feeding it the right voltages, and connecting
the video signal to wherever. Again, doable, but not something that
you're going to tackle without help if you have no prior experience.
And it'll no doubt be a whole lot simpler just to go find a monitor with
the appropriate video input.

I will forward all replies to my friend, and I thank you in advance - as
too will learn something here. My field is electronics, but we can't
everything - can we? I'd love to meet the person who claims to.

Gee, it's pretty easy to CLAIM to. :)

Bob M.
Thanks, I'll forward this on.... I appreciate the response.


"andy" <> wrote in message
On Mon, 02 Aug 2004 12:20:19 -0400, L. wrote:

I have a question which was posed to me yesterday. "I" am not familiar
LCD Computer Monitors from Lap tops past the point of looking at one as
I am
now to type this. I've never taken one off, or even peered into the
of a laptop or seen any schematics for an LCD display to have been able
even come close to answering this question.

The question was.....

Given there are many used laptops out there with colored monitors, is
a way they can be removed from the laptop and voltages applied -
any reference voltages - to be used to hook up to a DVD player or some
unit needing a video display????

I will forward all replies to my friend, and I thank you in advance - as
too will learn something here. My field is electronics, but we can't
everything - can we? I'd love to meet the person who claims to.


i looked into this for someone i know, and it's possible but not easy.
there are custom chips out there to do this, but they are 160 pin surface
mount devices which expect to be connected to a microcontroller to handle
things like brightness/contrast controls. not a simple project. there is a
german company who seem to be selling prebuilt boards to do this -

silicon image and phillips both make chipsets for this.


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On Mon, 02 Aug 2004 12:20:19 -0400, L. wrote:

I have a question which was posed to me yesterday. "I" am not familiar with
LCD Computer Monitors from Lap tops past the point of looking at one as I am
now to type this. I've never taken one off, or even peered into the inside
of a laptop or seen any schematics for an LCD display to have been able to
even come close to answering this question.

The question was.....

Given there are many used laptops out there with colored monitors, is there
a way they can be removed from the laptop and voltages applied - including
any reference voltages - to be used to hook up to a DVD player or some other
unit needing a video display????

I will forward all replies to my friend, and I thank you in advance - as I
too will learn something here. My field is electronics, but we can't know
everything - can we? I'd love to meet the person who claims to.

i looked into this for someone i know, and it's possible but not easy.
there are custom chips out there to do this, but they are 160 pin surface
mount devices which expect to be connected to a microcontroller to handle
things like brightness/contrast controls. not a simple project. there is a
german company who seem to be selling prebuilt boards to do this -

silicon image and phillips both make chipsets for this.


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 or [attachment] in the subject line.
Ah, but what about using the display on a standard VGA output? What does
that involve?

"Bob Myers" <nospamplease@address.invalid> wrote in message
"L." <FFSTA17NO@SPAMACCESS995.COM> wrote in message

Given there are many used laptops out there with colored monitors, is
a way they can be removed from the laptop and voltages applied -
any reference voltages - to be used to hook up to a DVD player or some
unit needing a video display????

It's certainly POSSIBLE, but not without some serious design &
construction work. You would need to reproduce the "front end"
circuits of a monitor or TV, which take the signals from the video
source and modify them so as to properly drive the panel (basically,
re-scaling the image format to match that of the panel, convert to
the proper drive/timing for the panel in question, etc.). It's not a
trivial task, as it involves a good deal more than just taking the
panel out of the laptop, feeding it the right voltages, and connecting
the video signal to wherever. Again, doable, but not something that
you're going to tackle without help if you have no prior experience.
And it'll no doubt be a whole lot simpler just to go find a monitor with
the appropriate video input.

I will forward all replies to my friend, and I thank you in advance - as
too will learn something here. My field is electronics, but we can't
everything - can we? I'd love to meet the person who claims to.

Gee, it's pretty easy to CLAIM to. :)

Bob M.

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"Richard" <rwskinnerATawesomenetDotnet> wrote in message
Ah, but what about using the display on a standard VGA output? What does
that involve?
I was actually assuming a standard VGA output when I wrote
that. With other forms of analog video (e.g., a composite
NTSC output, S-Video, etc.) the task is somewhat worse,
due to the need to decode the video into RGB in addition
to the tasks previously mentioned.

Bob M.

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