Layers in protel


Ico Doornekamp

Hi all,

Can somebody tell me if protel SE 99 is able to display semi-transparent or
translucent layers in the PCB editor ? And is there a quick way to hide/show
layers ?



Yes you can display transparent layers. There is a checkbox
somewhere on either the "O"ption, "P"reference menu or the
"O"ptions, "B"oard menu. It may be on the Preferences - Display
tab that can also be reached through "O"ptions, "D"isplay.

Turning layers on and off, it can be done with minor
customizing and assigning processes to a button or hot-key
(haven't done it myself for layers but it is quite simple to
customize processes. Without writing scripts.) . To be efficient
you would probably want to program keys or buttons to enable and
disable multiple layers at one time. However what is cumbersome
about O, L and clicking layers on and off, then hit Enter.

Brad Velander

"Ico Doornekamp" <> wrote in message
Hi all,

Can somebody tell me if protel SE 99 is able to display
semi-transparent or
translucent layers in the PCB editor ? And is there a quick way
to hide/show
layers ?



Brad Velander <> wrote:

Yes you can display transparent layers. There is a checkbox
somewhere on either the "O"ption, "P"reference menu or the
"O"ptions, "B"oard menu. It may be on the Preferences - Display
tab that can also be reached through "O"ptions, "D"isplay.
Thanks, found it. I just started doing PCB design a few days ago, so it's quite
overwhelming finding all the options etc...

Turning layers on and off, it can be done with minor
customizing and assigning processes to a button or hot-key
(haven't done it myself for layers but it is quite simple to
customize processes. Without writing scripts.) . To be efficient
you would probably want to program keys or buttons to enable and
disable multiple layers at one time. However what is cumbersome
about O, L and clicking layers on and off, then hit Enter.
Not really cumbersome, but I'd like to have a few single keystrokes for just
displaying only top- and bottom layers for example. I'll look into the
customization, thanks for the help,



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