Mike Harrison
I noticed an odd thing happenning with Lattice EC VHDL project....
I have a register config1(7 downto 0) holding various configuration states, updated in a state
machine which only gets clocked at certain times (i.e. not continuous).
All bits of this register are set to 0 on powerup (implicitly, as per VHDL default).
I then assign a couple of pins to output a bit in this register for debug purposes
pin112<= not config1(5);
pin109<= config1(5);
However on powerup, both of these pins are low. When the config1 register is subsequently clocked,
the pins then reflect the true and inverted states as you'd expect.
The compile report does appear to suggest it is inferring latches for these signals.
TN1008 suggests use of else to avoid inferred latches, so I also tried
pin112<='0' when config1(5)='1' else '1';
with the same result - it is still inferring a latch.
I've worked around this by explicitly latching the signals from a continuous clock, but how would
I force it to NOT infer the latch, and use a simple combinatorial inverter from the register to the
I have a register config1(7 downto 0) holding various configuration states, updated in a state
machine which only gets clocked at certain times (i.e. not continuous).
All bits of this register are set to 0 on powerup (implicitly, as per VHDL default).
I then assign a couple of pins to output a bit in this register for debug purposes
pin112<= not config1(5);
pin109<= config1(5);
However on powerup, both of these pins are low. When the config1 register is subsequently clocked,
the pins then reflect the true and inverted states as you'd expect.
The compile report does appear to suggest it is inferring latches for these signals.
TN1008 suggests use of else to avoid inferred latches, so I also tried
pin112<='0' when config1(5)='1' else '1';
with the same result - it is still inferring a latch.
I've worked around this by explicitly latching the signals from a continuous clock, but how would
I force it to NOT infer the latch, and use a simple combinatorial inverter from the register to the