Latest Survey & Research: The Most Socially Responsible Companies in
the US 2008; Unique M&A Opportunities for Consumer Products Companies
in the Embattled (or Uncertain) Economy; Public Worried But Not
Panicked About Economy; Chinese Consumer Survey 2008, by McKinsey;
Mobile devices take centre stage in the lives of affluent Asians
The Most Socially Responsible Companies in the US 2008: Top 50
companies recognized Google listed as No. 1
On a scale of 1-to-100, top-ranked Google scored 80.84. With the
exception of Berkshire Hathaway, consumer-oriented companies made up
the majority of the top 20 CSRI performers. Only a few business-to-
business focused companies were included in the top 50: Cisco Systems
(70.96), Sun Microsystems (70.70), Express Scripts (70.32), Deloitte &
Touche (70.12) and Boeing (69.88).
A new ranking of the top 50 companies in the United States that the
public distinguishes for corporate social responsibility was released
today by the Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship and
Reputation Institute. Google, Campbell Soup, Johnson & Johnson top the
2008 Corporate Social Responsibility Index (CSRI). Rounding out the
top 10 are: Walt Disney, Kraft Foods, General Mills, Levi Strauss,
UPS, Berkshire Hathaway and Microsoft.
The ranking was created using data principally collected for
Reputation Institutes 2008 Global Pulse Study. In creating the CSRI,
the researchers used a subset of survey results that focused on more
than 200 companies with a dominant presence in the United States and
believed to have a reasonably high recognition factor with the general
public. The data used focused on the public perception about a
companys corporate citizenship, governance and workplace practices.
Read full report: http://infoclickindia.com/news.php?sp=138&path_news=Reputation%20Institute%20logo.gif
Unique M&A Opportunities for Consumer Products Companies in the
Embattled (or Uncertain) Economy
BCG's 2008 Consumer-Products Value Creators Report Calls for
Integrating Business Strategy with Financial Policies and Investors'
Financial markets are roiling, the business environment is
experiencing the first period of real price inflation in consumer
products in 30 years, and the full economic impact of rising energy
and other commodity prices remains unclear. What's more, many
companies are encountering a new class of global competitors from
rapidly developing economies.
Yet some conditions remain the same: most consumer-products companies
continue to generate more cash than necessary to support market growth
rates, and they must figure out the best way to deploy this cash for
maximum value creation. Actions taken now could reshape consumer
markets for decades to come-because periods of economic slowdown are
often good times for companies to create value from mergers and
acquisitions. But in order to maintain strong performance in today's
much tougher economic environment, companies need to redesign their
corporate-strategy process to focus more explicitly on value
Read full text: http://infoclickindia.com/news.php?sp=134&path_news=Boston%20Consulting%20Group%20(best).jpg
Public Worried But Not Panicked About Economy
The latest national survey by the Pew Research Center for the People &
the Press, conducted Oct. 9-12 among 1,485 adults reached on landlines
and cell phones, finds that an increasing number say that jobs are
difficult to find locally, and views of local real estate values
remain negative. In addition, fewer people than in February say that
their employer is in excellent financial shape. But these perceptions
notwithstanding, there are no signs that the crisis has eroded
people's fundamental confidence in either their own personal financial
outlook or the nation's.
Read full text: http://infoclickindia.com/news.php?sp=136&path_news=Americans.jpg
Chinese Consumer Survey 2008, by McKinsey
The speed of change in China can be breathtaking. Consumer goods
companies trying to keep pace can easily lose sight of the big picture
as they focus on operational necessities. But failing to understand
the ever-changing dynamics of this market can all too quickly result
in being left behind, and the price to get back at the front of the
race may be crippingly high.
Read full text: http://groups.google.co.in/group/infoclickindia/post?hl=en
Mobile devices take centre stage in the lives of affluent Asians
Synovate Research Director Clare Lui said high ownership figures of
such devices indicated that affluent Asians were constantly on the
move and have gone beyond the need to just stay connected. "Mobility
has become the new creed of Asian elites and they are using the 'third
screen' - screens on mobile phones, PDAs, MP4s and other personal
portable devices - for connectivity, information and entertainment,"
she said
Read full text: http://infoclickindia.com/news.php?sp=137&path_news=Mobile%20devices.bmp
the US 2008; Unique M&A Opportunities for Consumer Products Companies
in the Embattled (or Uncertain) Economy; Public Worried But Not
Panicked About Economy; Chinese Consumer Survey 2008, by McKinsey;
Mobile devices take centre stage in the lives of affluent Asians
The Most Socially Responsible Companies in the US 2008: Top 50
companies recognized Google listed as No. 1
On a scale of 1-to-100, top-ranked Google scored 80.84. With the
exception of Berkshire Hathaway, consumer-oriented companies made up
the majority of the top 20 CSRI performers. Only a few business-to-
business focused companies were included in the top 50: Cisco Systems
(70.96), Sun Microsystems (70.70), Express Scripts (70.32), Deloitte &
Touche (70.12) and Boeing (69.88).
A new ranking of the top 50 companies in the United States that the
public distinguishes for corporate social responsibility was released
today by the Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship and
Reputation Institute. Google, Campbell Soup, Johnson & Johnson top the
2008 Corporate Social Responsibility Index (CSRI). Rounding out the
top 10 are: Walt Disney, Kraft Foods, General Mills, Levi Strauss,
UPS, Berkshire Hathaway and Microsoft.
The ranking was created using data principally collected for
Reputation Institutes 2008 Global Pulse Study. In creating the CSRI,
the researchers used a subset of survey results that focused on more
than 200 companies with a dominant presence in the United States and
believed to have a reasonably high recognition factor with the general
public. The data used focused on the public perception about a
companys corporate citizenship, governance and workplace practices.
Read full report: http://infoclickindia.com/news.php?sp=138&path_news=Reputation%20Institute%20logo.gif
Unique M&A Opportunities for Consumer Products Companies in the
Embattled (or Uncertain) Economy
BCG's 2008 Consumer-Products Value Creators Report Calls for
Integrating Business Strategy with Financial Policies and Investors'
Financial markets are roiling, the business environment is
experiencing the first period of real price inflation in consumer
products in 30 years, and the full economic impact of rising energy
and other commodity prices remains unclear. What's more, many
companies are encountering a new class of global competitors from
rapidly developing economies.
Yet some conditions remain the same: most consumer-products companies
continue to generate more cash than necessary to support market growth
rates, and they must figure out the best way to deploy this cash for
maximum value creation. Actions taken now could reshape consumer
markets for decades to come-because periods of economic slowdown are
often good times for companies to create value from mergers and
acquisitions. But in order to maintain strong performance in today's
much tougher economic environment, companies need to redesign their
corporate-strategy process to focus more explicitly on value
Read full text: http://infoclickindia.com/news.php?sp=134&path_news=Boston%20Consulting%20Group%20(best).jpg
Public Worried But Not Panicked About Economy
The latest national survey by the Pew Research Center for the People &
the Press, conducted Oct. 9-12 among 1,485 adults reached on landlines
and cell phones, finds that an increasing number say that jobs are
difficult to find locally, and views of local real estate values
remain negative. In addition, fewer people than in February say that
their employer is in excellent financial shape. But these perceptions
notwithstanding, there are no signs that the crisis has eroded
people's fundamental confidence in either their own personal financial
outlook or the nation's.
Read full text: http://infoclickindia.com/news.php?sp=136&path_news=Americans.jpg
Chinese Consumer Survey 2008, by McKinsey
The speed of change in China can be breathtaking. Consumer goods
companies trying to keep pace can easily lose sight of the big picture
as they focus on operational necessities. But failing to understand
the ever-changing dynamics of this market can all too quickly result
in being left behind, and the price to get back at the front of the
race may be crippingly high.
Read full text: http://groups.google.co.in/group/infoclickindia/post?hl=en
Mobile devices take centre stage in the lives of affluent Asians
Synovate Research Director Clare Lui said high ownership figures of
such devices indicated that affluent Asians were constantly on the
move and have gone beyond the need to just stay connected. "Mobility
has become the new creed of Asian elites and they are using the 'third
screen' - screens on mobile phones, PDAs, MP4s and other personal
portable devices - for connectivity, information and entertainment,"
she said
Read full text: http://infoclickindia.com/news.php?sp=137&path_news=Mobile%20devices.bmp