Latest Survey & Research: Income inequality and poverty rising in most
OECD countries; IMF Welcomes Comprehensive European Response to
Financial Crisis, Sees Major Downside Risks Averted, and Calls for
Enhanced Coordination of Measures; Networked Families: Technology now
permeates American households; RS. 455 Bln Investment Likely In Gas
Lines By 2012: ASSOCHAM-E&Y
Income inequality and poverty rising in most OECD countries
The gap between rich and poor has grown in more than three-quarters of
OECD countries over the past two decades, according to a new OECD
report. OECDs Growing Unequal? finds that the economic growth of
recent decades has benefitted the rich more than the poor. In some
countries, such as Canada, Finland, Germany, Italy, Norway and the
United States, the gap also increased between the rich and the middle-
Countries with a wide distribution of income tend to have more
widespread income poverty. Also, social mobility is lower in countries
with high inequality, such as Italy, the United Kingdom and the United
States, and higher in the Nordic countries where income is distributed
more evenly.
Read full report: http://infoclickindia.com/news.php?sp=151&path_news=OECD%20logo.png
IMF Welcomes Comprehensive European Response to Financial Crisis, Sees
Major Downside Risks Averted, and Calls for Enhanced Coordination of
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) today said that even though the
global financial crisis will cause a sharp deceleration of economic
activity, the comprehensive crisis management actions being undertaken
should allow Europe to avoid a worse outcome. In its October 2008
Regional Economic Outlook for Europe (REO), the IMF projects activity
in advanced European economies to stagnate in the near-term with
growth expected at 1.3% in 2008 and 0.2% in 2009. While these
projections were finalized before the crisis reached systemic
proportions in early October, they remain broadly valid, even though
some of the downside risks have materialized. In particular, emerging
European economies are now likely to grow at a somewhat slower pace
than the 4.3% in 2009 anticipated in the report.
Read full report: http://infoclickindia.com/news.php?sp=144&path_news=worldbank%20logo.jpg
Networked Families: Technology now permeates American households
Technology now permeates American households and has become a central
feature of families' day-to-day lives.American families are using a
wide range of communication media to keep in contact with each other.
Married couples with minor children stand out because they have higher
rates of internet and cell phone usage, computer ownership and
broadband adoption than other household configurations.
Read full text: http://infoclickindia.com/news.php?sp=145&path_news=Networked%20Families.jpg
RS. 455 Bln Investment Likely In Gas Lines By 2012: ASSOCHAM-E&Y
The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM)
and Ernst & Young anticipate that a total investment of Rs. 455
billion is likely to be poured in the development of laying gas
pipeline network in next 5 years in view of the intensity with which
petroleum sector is in for expansion of pipeline infrastructure.
In a Paper `Indian Oil & Gas Sector : Rising Business Opportunities
jointly brought out by the ASSOCHAM and E&Y, it is pointed out that
currently India has a gas pipeline network of more than 10,000
kilometer. In it, Gas Authority of India Ltd. (GAIL) share is 55% and
remaining 45% is in the joint sector including the private players
particularly in downstream sector.
OECD countries; IMF Welcomes Comprehensive European Response to
Financial Crisis, Sees Major Downside Risks Averted, and Calls for
Enhanced Coordination of Measures; Networked Families: Technology now
permeates American households; RS. 455 Bln Investment Likely In Gas
Lines By 2012: ASSOCHAM-E&Y
Income inequality and poverty rising in most OECD countries
The gap between rich and poor has grown in more than three-quarters of
OECD countries over the past two decades, according to a new OECD
report. OECDs Growing Unequal? finds that the economic growth of
recent decades has benefitted the rich more than the poor. In some
countries, such as Canada, Finland, Germany, Italy, Norway and the
United States, the gap also increased between the rich and the middle-
Countries with a wide distribution of income tend to have more
widespread income poverty. Also, social mobility is lower in countries
with high inequality, such as Italy, the United Kingdom and the United
States, and higher in the Nordic countries where income is distributed
more evenly.
Read full report: http://infoclickindia.com/news.php?sp=151&path_news=OECD%20logo.png
IMF Welcomes Comprehensive European Response to Financial Crisis, Sees
Major Downside Risks Averted, and Calls for Enhanced Coordination of
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) today said that even though the
global financial crisis will cause a sharp deceleration of economic
activity, the comprehensive crisis management actions being undertaken
should allow Europe to avoid a worse outcome. In its October 2008
Regional Economic Outlook for Europe (REO), the IMF projects activity
in advanced European economies to stagnate in the near-term with
growth expected at 1.3% in 2008 and 0.2% in 2009. While these
projections were finalized before the crisis reached systemic
proportions in early October, they remain broadly valid, even though
some of the downside risks have materialized. In particular, emerging
European economies are now likely to grow at a somewhat slower pace
than the 4.3% in 2009 anticipated in the report.
Read full report: http://infoclickindia.com/news.php?sp=144&path_news=worldbank%20logo.jpg
Networked Families: Technology now permeates American households
Technology now permeates American households and has become a central
feature of families' day-to-day lives.American families are using a
wide range of communication media to keep in contact with each other.
Married couples with minor children stand out because they have higher
rates of internet and cell phone usage, computer ownership and
broadband adoption than other household configurations.
Read full text: http://infoclickindia.com/news.php?sp=145&path_news=Networked%20Families.jpg
RS. 455 Bln Investment Likely In Gas Lines By 2012: ASSOCHAM-E&Y
The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM)
and Ernst & Young anticipate that a total investment of Rs. 455
billion is likely to be poured in the development of laying gas
pipeline network in next 5 years in view of the intensity with which
petroleum sector is in for expansion of pipeline infrastructure.
In a Paper `Indian Oil & Gas Sector : Rising Business Opportunities
jointly brought out by the ASSOCHAM and E&Y, it is pointed out that
currently India has a gas pipeline network of more than 10,000
kilometer. In it, Gas Authority of India Ltd. (GAIL) share is 55% and
remaining 45% is in the joint sector including the private players
particularly in downstream sector.