Latest PbF crap



Celestion Truvox 1520 , 15 inch speaker, intermittant.
Under the dome so needing partial cutting, where the tails join the voice
coil wire . Under the black lacquer, about 5mm diameter lump of nasty pastey
solder broken into 2 parts , one bit on the tail and other on the coil wire
On Tue, 15 Jun 2010 14:11:51 +0100, N_Cook ǝʇoɹʍ:

Celestion Truvox 1520 , 15 inch speaker, intermittant. Under the dome so
needing partial cutting, where the tails join the voice coil wire .
Under the black lacquer, about 5mm diameter lump of nasty pastey solder
broken into 2 parts , one bit on the tail and other on the coil wire
I recently repaired a Peavey BW 12 in one of my own amps that had poor
soldering on the tail/vc junctions however these were not pbf.
On Jun 15, 6:11 am, "N_Cook" <> wrote:
Celestion Truvox 1520 , 15 inch speaker, intermittant.
Under the dome so needing partial cutting, where the tails join the voice
coil wire . Under the black lacquer, about 5mm diameter lump of nasty pastey
solder broken into 2 parts , one bit on the tail and other on the coil wire
Not a failure of British craftsmanship?

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