latching relay in IC-756 PRO



For the last couple of years or so, I've had a sticky audio relay that
most of the time does not engage on this rig, so I don't any audio to
the speaker in the radio. It never bothered me that much because I have
the rig connected to the computer and thus, I just use the computer to
listen to it. Common problem with this rig in earlier models I guess.

Once in a while it would turn itself on "Click" after some time of
being on.. For the last 3 days of so, it has been coming on at boot up
every time and staying there. Maybe I've worn off the sticky edge that
has been holding it up :)

Maybe now is a good time to sell the radio :)

On Sun, 09 Sep 2012 18:01:00 -0400, Jamie
<> wrote:

For the last couple of years or so, I've had a sticky audio relay that
most of the time does not engage on this rig, so I don't any audio to
the speaker in the radio. It never bothered me that much because I have
the rig connected to the computer and thus, I just use the computer to
listen to it. Common problem with this rig in earlier models I guess.
As I vaguely recall, the problem was that the relay tended to get
magnetized. Two possible solutions.
1. Pry the relay open and put a thin piece of mylar tape between
solenoid core and the armature.
2. Remove the relay, and degauss the solenoid core with a tape head
demagnetizer. You can do the demagnetization trick with the relay
still in the circuit, but disconnect the at least one lead from the
coil. Shorting the coil with a clip lead might also work, but I've
never tried it.

I've never had to demagnetize a radio relay, but I've certainly had my
share of similar problems with HP printers:

Once in a while it would turn itself on "Click" after some time of
being on.. For the last 3 days of so, it has been coming on at boot up
every time and staying there. Maybe I've worn off the sticky edge that
has been holding it up :)
The solenoid core is becoming more magnetized.

Maybe now is a good time to sell the radio :)
One lousy relay and you're ready to junk the whole radio?
Jeff Liebermann
150 Felker St #D
Santa Cruz CA 95060
Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558

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