For the last couple of years or so, I've had a sticky audio relay that
most of the time does not engage on this rig, so I don't any audio to
the speaker in the radio. It never bothered me that much because I have
the rig connected to the computer and thus, I just use the computer to
listen to it. Common problem with this rig in earlier models I guess.
Once in a while it would turn itself on "Click" after some time of
being on.. For the last 3 days of so, it has been coming on at boot up
every time and staying there. Maybe I've worn off the sticky edge that
has been holding it up
Maybe now is a good time to sell the radio
most of the time does not engage on this rig, so I don't any audio to
the speaker in the radio. It never bothered me that much because I have
the rig connected to the computer and thus, I just use the computer to
listen to it. Common problem with this rig in earlier models I guess.
Once in a while it would turn itself on "Click" after some time of
being on.. For the last 3 days of so, it has been coming on at boot up
every time and staying there. Maybe I've worn off the sticky edge that
has been holding it up
Maybe now is a good time to sell the radio