I should have probably sent this question to the VHDL newsgrp but since it has low activity, I've decided to send it here.
It is well documented that processes should be used to code sequential systems. The texbook gives an example of a D latch/flip flip. With FPGA tools, i have to use a process so the tool makes use of the available on-chip flip flops. But i wonder what if I describe a D latch and flip flop without the use of process:
1- latch: Q<=D when Clk='1'; (will this be triggered each time clk changes to 1 even if D does not change?)
2- flip flop: Q<=D when rising_edge(Clk); (the same question as above)
Is anything wrong with the above code?
Thank you
I should have probably sent this question to the VHDL newsgrp but since it has low activity, I've decided to send it here.
It is well documented that processes should be used to code sequential systems. The texbook gives an example of a D latch/flip flip. With FPGA tools, i have to use a process so the tool makes use of the available on-chip flip flops. But i wonder what if I describe a D latch and flip flop without the use of process:
1- latch: Q<=D when Clk='1'; (will this be triggered each time clk changes to 1 even if D does not change?)
2- flip flop: Q<=D when rising_edge(Clk); (the same question as above)
Is anything wrong with the above code?
Thank you