Hello, I have recently acquired an LGK 7654-15 laser head from ebay. It was manufactured in 2007 and looks to be in excellent condition.
Unfortunately it came without a power supply. It does produce an output when zapped briefly by a very wrong power supply for testing purposes.
I am now looking to source the right power supply for it. Looking at the LASOS website I can't find this exact model. Then over at Sam's it is listed but, judging by the question marks next to the ratings, I suspect it is not clear what this model is rated for.
The module dimensions are 45 mm dia by 505 mm length, which is identical to the 10 mW LGK 7654-8 unit.
I was not able to find further info online although I have not yet contacted LASOS. It is a recent model as far as He-Nes go so I am a bit surprised I can't find more info. Could this be a slightly customised version of a catalogue model?
Many thanks
Unfortunately it came without a power supply. It does produce an output when zapped briefly by a very wrong power supply for testing purposes.
I am now looking to source the right power supply for it. Looking at the LASOS website I can't find this exact model. Then over at Sam's it is listed but, judging by the question marks next to the ratings, I suspect it is not clear what this model is rated for.
The module dimensions are 45 mm dia by 505 mm length, which is identical to the 10 mW LGK 7654-8 unit.
I was not able to find further info online although I have not yet contacted LASOS. It is a recent model as far as He-Nes go so I am a bit surprised I can't find more info. Could this be a slightly customised version of a catalogue model?
Many thanks