Looking for idea's on the design of a large 3 -Digit, 7-Segment LED
outdoor display scoreboard. The unit needs to be about 10 Metres away
from the Microprocessor running things, I am uring towards discrete
LED construction because of price, would like something like a
two-wire interface (except power (I2C my preference)) any pointers
would be appreciated.
Mark in Spain
mark@markXscotford.com (remove the X to reply)
outdoor display scoreboard. The unit needs to be about 10 Metres away
from the Microprocessor running things, I am uring towards discrete
LED construction because of price, would like something like a
two-wire interface (except power (I2C my preference)) any pointers
would be appreciated.
Mark in Spain
mark@markXscotford.com (remove the X to reply)